Section 1: Function of a Conclusion

Though the conclusion is usually a shorter section of an academic paper, it is among the most challenging of all sections to write. Even if the points of your paper are strong, the overall effect of your argument might fall to pieces if the paper is badly concluded.

The conclusion serves two functions. The first is to bring to an end what you have already presented in the paper, and the second is to give a final comment or judgment on the study. You should make readers feel that they have learned something more from your paper, that is, you should make an impact on them.

Activity 1-1: What should a conclusion do?

What functions does a conclusion serve? Read the following statements, and tick (√ ) those that you think may be the purpose of a conclusion.

( ) (1) To restate the thesis of the paper.

( ) (2) To make reference to different sections and the relationship between them.

( ) (3) To show the significance of your findings.

( ) (4) To make a summary of the author’s arguments.

( ) (5) To introduce research methods.

( ) (6) To discuss relevant research made by others.

( ) (7) To apologize for the deficiencies of the present study.

( ) (8) To speculate on future trends and to indicate the need for further research.

( ) (9) To express your gratitude for those who have offered help.

( ) (10) To discuss implications of the study.