Unit 7 Writing a Conclusion

Good writing is clear thinking made visible.

— Bill Wheeler

The first goal of writing is to have one’s words read successfully.

— Robert Brault

In this unit you will:

·understand the functions of the conclusion section in a research paper

·learn about the components of the conclusion

·analyze the structure of the conclusion

·become familiar with the strategies in writing a conclusion

Pre-class work

1. Work with your partner and discuss the following questions.

(1) What do you usually write in the conclusion section of a normal writing assignment?

(2) What do you suppose the conclusion section of an academic paper should include?

(3) What do they have in common? And in what ways are these two types of writing different in the conclusion section?

2. Find a research paper on the Internet and focus on the conclusion section of the paper. Try to answer the following questions:

(1) What is the main subject of this paper?


(2) What are the main points of the author’s argument?


(3) What is the significance of the research findings?


(4) What other information do you find in the conclusion section?
