(《神曲》 ,田德望译,北京:人民文学出版社,2008)
Thus from the first of circles I went down
into the second, which surrounds less space,
and all the greater pain, which goads to wailing.
There Minos stands in horrid guise, and snarls;
inside the entrance he examines sins,
judges, and, as he girds himself, commits.
I mean that when an ill-born soul appears
before him, it confesses itself wholly;
and thereupon that Connoisseur of sins
perceives what place in Hell belongs to it,
and girds him with his tail as many times,
as are the grades he wishes it sent down.
Before him there are always many standing;
they go to judgment, each one in his turn;
they speak and hear, and then are downward hurled.
“O thou that comest to the inn of woe,”
said Minos, giving up, on seeing me,
the execution of so great a charge,
“see how thou enter, and in whom thou put
thy trust; let not the gate-way's width deceive thee!”
To him my Leader:“Why dost thou, too, cry?
Hinder thou not his fate-ordained advance;
thus is it yonder willed, where there is power
to do whate'er is willed; so ask no more!”
And now the woeful sounds of actual pain
begin to break upon mine ears; I now
am come to where much wailing smiteth me.
I reached a region silent of all light,
which bellows as the sea doth in a storm,
if lashed and beaten by opposing winds.
The infernal hurricane, which never stops,
carries the spirits onward with its sweep,
and, as it whirls and smites them, gives them pain.
Whene'er they come before the shattered rock,
there lamentations, moans and shrieks are heard;
there, cursing, they blaspheme the Power Divine.
I understood that to this kind of pain
are doomed those carnal sinners, who subject
their reason to their sensual appetite.
And as their wings bear starlings on their way,
when days are cold, in full and wide-spread flocks;
so doth that blast the evil spirits bear;
this way and that, and up and down it leads them;
nor only doth no hope of rest, but none
of lesser suffering, ever comfort them.
And even as cranes move on and sing their lays,
forming the while a long line in the air;
thus saw I coming, uttering cries of pain,
shades borne along upon the aforesaid storm;
I therefore said:“Who, Teacher, are the people
the gloomy air so cruelly chastises?”
“The first of those of whom thou wouldst have news,”
the latter thereupon said unto me,
“was empress over lands of many tongues.
To sexual vice so wholly was she given,
that lust she rendered lawful in her laws,
thus to remove the blame she had incurred.
Semiramis she is, of whom one reads
that she gave suck to Ninus, and became
his wife; she held the land the Soldan rules.
The next is she who killed herself through love,
and to Sichaeus' ashes broke her faith;
the lustful Cleopatra follows her.
See Helen, for whose sake so long a time
of guilt rolled by, and great Achilles see,
who fought with love when at the end of life.
Paris and Tristan see;”and then he showed me,
and pointed out by name, a thousand shades
and more, whom love had from our life cut off.
When I had heard my Leader speak the names
of ladies and their knights of olden times,
pity o'ercame me, and I almost swooned.
“Poet,”I then began,“I’d gladly talk
with those two yonder who together go,
and seem to be so light upon the wind.”
“Thou’lt see thy chance when nearer us they are;”
said he,“beseech them then by that same love
which leadeth them along, and they will come.”
Soon as the wind toward us had bent their course.
I cried:“O toil-worn souls, come speak with us,
so be it that One Else forbid it not!”
As doves, when called by their desire, come flying
with raised and steady pinions through the air
to their sweet nest, borne on by their own will;
so from the band where Dido is they issued,
advancing through the noisome air toward us,
so strong with love the tone of my appeal.
“O thou benign and gracious living creature,
that goest through the gloomy purple air
to visit us, who stained the world blood-red;
if friendly were the universal King,
for thy peace would we pray to Him, since pity
thou showest for this wretched woe of ours.
Of whatsoever it may please you hear
and speak, we will both hear and speak with you,
while yet, as now it is, the wind is hushed.
The town where I was born sits on the shore,
whither the Po descends to be at peace
together with the streams that follow him.
Love, which soon seizes on a well-born heart,
seized him for that fair body's sake, whereof
I was deprived; and still the way offends me.
Love, which absolves from loving none that’s loved,
seized me so strongly for his love of me,
that, as thou see'st, it doth not leave me yet.
Love to a death in common led us on;
Cain's ice awaiteth him who quenched our life.”
These words were wafted down to us from them.
When I had heard those sorely troubled souls,
I bowed my head, and long I held it low,
until the Poet said:“What thinkest thou?”
When I made answer I began:“Alas!
how many tender thoughts and what desire
induced these souls to take the woeful step!”
I then turned back to them again and spoke,
and I began:“Thine agonies, Francesca,
cause me to weep with grief and sympathy.
But tell me: at the time of tender sighs,
whereby and how did Love concede to you
that ye should know each other's veiled desires?”
And she to me:“There is no greater pain
than to remember happy days in days
of misery; and this thy Leader knows.
But if to know the first root of our love
so yearning a desire possesses thee,
I’ll do as one who weepeth while he speaks.
One day, for pastime merely, we were reading
of Launcelot, and how love o'erpowered him;
alone we were, and free from all misgiving.
Oft did that reading cause our eyes to meet,
and often take the color from our faces;
and yet one passage only overcame us.
When we had read of how the longed-for smile
was kissed by such a lover, this one here,
who nevermore shall be divided from me,
trembling all over, kissed me on my mouth.
A Gallehault the book, and he who wrote it!
No further in it did we read that day.”
While one was saying this, the other spirit
so sorely wept, that out of sympathy
I swooned away as though about to die,
and fell as falls a body that is dead.
《神曲·地狱篇》 第十九章
O Simon Magus, O his wretched followers,
since ye the things of God, which ought to be
the brides of righteousness, rapaciously
adulterate for silver and for gold;
it now behooves the trumpet sound for you,
for in the third great trench your station is!
We now had climbed the next tomb-spanning bridge,
and were on that part of the crag, which hangs
directly o'er the middle of the trench.
Wisdom Supreme, how great the art thou showest
in Heaven, on earth, and in the evil world!
How justly, too, thy virtue makes awards!
I saw that on its sloping sides and bottom
the livid-colored stone was full of holes,
all of one width, while each of them was round.
Nor less nor more wide did they seem to me,
than those which in my beautiful Saint John's
are made as places for baptizing priests;
and one of which, not many years ago,
I broke, to save one who was choking in it;
be this a witness undeceiving all!
Out of the mouth of each a sinner's feet
protruded, and, as far as to the calf,
his legs; the rest of him remained within.
The soles of all were, both of them, on fire;
because of which their joints so strongly twitched,
they would have snapped green twigs and cords of grass.
And as a flame on oily things is wont
to move along the outer surface only;
so likewise was it there from heels to toes.
“Who, Teacher, is he yonder, who is tortured
by twitching more than all the rest, his mates,”
said I,“and whom a redder flame is sucking?”
And he to me:“If thou wouldst have me bear thee
down yonder bank which lowest lies, from him
thou’lt know both of himself and of his sins.”
And I:“What pleases thee I like; my lord
thou art, and that I part not from thy will
thou knowst, as also what is left unsaid.”
We then upon the fourth embankment came,
and, turning round, descended on our left
into that narrow bottom pierced with holes;
from off his back, but brought me to the hole
of him who grieved so sorely with his shank.
“Whoe'er thou art, sad soul, that holdest down
thine upper portion, planted like a stake,”
I then began,“say something, if thou canst.”
I there was like a friar that confesses
a base assassin, who, on being planted,
calls him again, that death may be delayed.
And he cried out:“Dost thou stand there already,
dost thou stand there already, Boniface?
By several years the writing lied to me.
Art thou so quickly sated with the wealth,
for which thou didst not fear to seize by fraud,
and outrage next, the Lady beautiful?”
Even such did I become, as those are, who,
not understanding what is answered them,
deem themselves mocked, and think of no reply.
Then Virgil said:“Tell him immediately:
‘I’m not the one, I’m not the one thou thinkest!’”
And I replied to him as I was bidden.
Whereat the spirit writhed with both his feet;
then, sighing, and with weeping voice, he said:
“What is it, then, that thou dost ask of me?
If to know who I am concern thee so,
that for it thou hast crossed the bank; know, then,
that I was with the mighty Mantle clothed;
and verily the she-Bear's son was I,
so eager to advance the cubs, that wealth
I pocketed up there, and here myself.
The others, who in working simony
preceded me, are gathered’neath my head,
flattened between the fissures of the rock.
I, in like manner, shall down yonder fall,
when he arrives, whom I believed thou wast,
when I of thee the sudden question asked.
But now already longer is the time,
that I, thus up-side down, have cooked my feet,
than he will planted stay with ruddy soles;
for after him shall come from westward lands
a lawless shepherd of still uglier deed,
and fit to cover him and me.Renewed
shall Jason be, of whom in Maccabees
one reads; and as to that one his king yielded,
even so who governs France shall yield to this.”
I know not whether I was here too bold,
in that I answered him in this strain only:
“Now tell me, pray, how great the treasure was,
our Lord demanded of Saint Peter first,
before He placed the Keys in his control?
Surely he asked for naught but ‘Follow me.’
Nor yet did Peter or the rest take gold
or silver from Matthias, when by lot
he took the place the guilty soul had lost.
Therefore keep still, for thou art rightly punished;
and take good care of that ill-gotten wealth,
which caused thee to be valiant against Charles.
And were it not for this, that I am still
thou hadst in keeping in the joyful life,
words of still greater weight would I employ;
because your greed, by trampling on the good
and raising the depraved, afflicts the world.
The Evangelist was thinking of your shepherds,
when she, who on the waters hath her seat,
was seen by him to fornicate with kings;
the one who with the seven heads was born,
and from the ten horns her support received,
while virtue still was pleasing to her spouse.
Ye' ve made yourselves a god of gold and silver;
and from idolaters how differ ye,
save that they worship one, and ye a hundred?
Ah, Constantine, of how much ill was mother,
not thy conversion, but the dower-gift
the earliest wealthy Father took from thee!”
While I was singing him such notes as these,
he, whether it were wrath or conscience bit him,
was fiercely kicking out with both his feet.
I verily believe it pleased my Leader,
he heeded with so glad a look throughout
the utterance of those true, clear words of mine.
He therefore took me up with both his arms,
and when he had me wholly on his breast,
he climbed again the path down which he came;
nor tired of holding me in his embrace,
but bore me to the summit of the arch,
which crosses from the fourth bank to the fifth.
When there, he gently set his burden down,
gently, because that crag was rough and steep,
and would be difficult for goats to cross;
from thence another trench was shown to me.
[1] 恩格斯:《〈共产党宣言〉1893年意大利版序言》,见《马克思恩格斯选集》第一卷,269页,北京:人民出版社,1995。
[2] 但丁:《神曲》,王维克译,325页,北京:人民文学出版社,1997。