第十章 事实与价值
关键词:事实 价值 事实-价值
根据Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy有关Fact/Value Distinction提供的信息,事实(判断)与价值(判断)的形成源远流长,但二者的区别通常归功于休谟,但后继者众多,其中不乏像涂尔干和韦伯那样的思想大家。这种区分也具有常识意义,人们通常把描述和评价看作是不同的活动。然而这种区分也受到严肃的批评,最基本的理由在于,对一个事实的接受本身就关涉价值判断,也就是把某一特殊事实看作是基本事实。例如,当我们说出A欠B钱的时候,同时也说出了A应向B还钱的价值判断,同时也认定了一种借贷还钱本身就是一个规范性建构的社会安排构架,遵从这种事实就将受到肯定。在其他领域如美学和现象学等,认为对事实的认可掺杂着对它们的评价。[1]
另据维基百科的解释,事实与价值的区分与论证的方式有关,也与观念的形态有关,“是”能够被科学、哲学或理性所发现的;而“应该”则是一种共识、一种相信其行为受道德约束。这种区分还可以用实证的(positive)和规范的(normative)来表示,也可以说成描述性的(descriptive)和指令性的(prescriptive)。实证性命题清楚地主张事实(如水分子式是两个氢原子加上一个氧原子),而规范性命题则是基于价值或规范的主张(如水不应污染)。[2]此外,维基百科还为这个词条提供了如下几种参考文献:David Hume:A Treatise of Human Nature ,First published 1739-1740;David Hume:An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding ;Friedrich Nietzsche:Thus Spoke Zarathustra ,Translated by R.J.Hollingdale,New York:Penguin,1969;Hilary Putnam:The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and Other Essays ,Cambridge,Mass:Harvard University Press,2002.
[1] See Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy:Fact/Value Distinction:HomeLibraryHistory,Politics & SocietyPhilosophy Dictionary.
[2] Fact-value distinction,From Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia The fact-value distinction is a concept that distinguishes between arguments supported through reason alone, and those supported primarily by a empirical evidence. In another formulation, it is the distinction between what is (can be discovered by science, philosophy, or reason) and what ought to be (a judgment agreed to by consensus, or believed to be objectively morally bi nding). The terms positive and normative represent another way to express this, as do the terms descriptive and prescriptive, respectively. Positive statements make the implicit claim to facts (e.g., water molecules are made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom), whereas normative statements make a claim based on values or norms (e.g., water ought to be protected from pollution).