附录一 三个外教课备课提纲


第一个话题:Places to Visit in the US(美国景点)

◆ Introduce briefly about America 简要地介绍美国

Its population, how many states, geographic location, capital city, etc.. It would be appreciated if an American map can be provided. I will bring a small globe, but everything is written in Chinese.


◆ The Statue of Liberty自由女神像

1.Describe the statue. (A woman holding a torch of fire in her hand.) Where is it located? (In New York City.) Does the statue have a symbolic meaning? (A symbol of freedom.) Who built the statue? (A gift of friendship from the French people to the people of the United States.)

And maybe more questions.



2.Say something about New York City. Why is it called the Big Apple?

介绍纽约市,这个城市为什么被称为the Big Apple(大苹果)?

◆ Washington Monument华盛顿纪念碑

1. Where is it located? Why was it built?


2. Say something about George Washington. (May also tell the story about George Washington and the cherry tree.)


◆ the Gateway Arch大拱门

1. What is known as the gateway to the western half of the United States? (The Gateway Arch.) Where is it located? (In Saint Louis, Missouri, stands next to the Mississippi River.)


2. Say something about the Mississippi River. (The second largest river in the US, only after the Missouri River. And maybe more information.)


◆ the Golden Gate Bridge 金门桥

1. One of the largest suspension bridges in the world.Connects San Francisco to northern California.


2. Is the bridge made of gold? Why is it called the golden gate bridge? (It’s a golden gate to trade with the orient.)


◆ Mount Rushmore拉什莫尔国家公园

1. Whose faces are carved into the cliff?谁的脸被刻在峭壁上?

2. Talk briefly about Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln.(And the two wars: the War of Independence, the Civil War.)


◆ the Space Needle太空针

In Seattle, and it’s observation tower. Built for the 1962 World’s Fair. And maybe more information.



Ways to deal with traffic jam/congestion解决交通拥堵的方法

◆ General questions一般问题

1.What are public transportation vehicles?


2.Police cars, ambulances, fire trucks, buses, subways, taxis,and so on. (May find pictures of these vehicles, talk about related information, explain the different uses of these vehicles.)


3.Other related questions: What number do people dial in the US when they need help from police, doctors, etc.? Any tips when taking a bus, taxi, subway in the US? Whether you experience something different in taking public transportation vehicles in China? etc. Whatever related information on this topic may be helpful.


◆ About traffic problems 关于交通问题

What problems? What caused them? Solutions?


◆ Solutions to deal with traffic problems 交通问题的解决方法

1.Improve public transport system.


2.Increase greatly the parking fee in downtown areas. (How expensive can it be in New York City if people park their cars in downtown areas?)


3.Build large parking stations on the outskirts where people can park cars for free, or for only a little money. Encourage them to take public transportation tools rather than driving all the way to the city center.


4.Build more overflies/overpasses.


5.Car-pooling: this is not very common in China. How about in the US?



◆ What is the environment? Why is it important?环境是什么?为什么重要?

1.The ENVIRONMENT is everything that is around us — nature(the mountains, oceans, sky and animals all around us) and also the HUMANS that are all around us.


2.We need our environment to be stable so that we can survive; we need water and food to survive. For these things we need land that can be farmed and water that is safe to drink. We must protect our environment so that our children can continue to survive happily.


◆ Climate change 气候变化

1.How is the climate changing? The world is (on average)getting warmer.


2.Why is this important? If the earth warms just a few degrees, the ice at our polar caps could melt, raising sea levels. This would flood many cities and towns that are on the coast. If the global temperature increases, this also changes the WEATHER. There might be more severe weather patterns — like droughts and big storms (like Hurricane Katrina in the United States).


3.What are the reasons for climate change? We will talk about that more later.


◆ Energy 能源

1.What is energy?


2.Why is it important for the environment?


3.How do we get most of our energy right now? We get it through FOSSIL FUELS. This is a name for energy that is formed over millions of years (the decomposition of things that lived millions of years ago). The three main fossil fuels are natural gas, oil and coal. The good thing about these is that they contain a high amount of energy, so that when they are burned they are very efficient at giving us energy that we can use (to power our cars, lights, computers, etc.).


4.What is bad about fossil fuels? There are two main problems with fossil fuels.


a. They are NON-RENEWABLE. This means that because they took millions of years to create, when we use them all up (and we will eventually use them all up), we cannot make any more of them. This is why people are trying to find new "ALTERNATIVE" energies to use. They are called ALTERNATIVE energies because we are looking for alternate ways to create energy and power.


b. The other bad thing is that scientists think burning fossil fuels is causing CLIMATE CHANGE. Fossil fuels are made mostly of carbon , and when they are burned this carbon is released into the atmosphere. This carbon is warming the surface of the earth and creating GLOBAL WARMING. Scientists are not sure what will happen if the earth continues to warm as quickly as it has been, but they think it could be very bad.


◆ China 中国

1.Unique problems with China


a. Large and rapidly growing population: more people means cities need more development (more buildings and highways and housing). This requires ENERGY. Also each person uses a lot of energy just to live, and the amount of energy they need is getting greater and greater. Just hundreds of years ago (not very long, for the age of the world), people didn’t need energy to live — they didn’t have cars and electric appliances. Even though we love these things now for all the conveniences they give us,they also use up a tremendous amount of energy.


Exercise: Can you list all the things in your home that use energy?


b. China relies mainly on COAL for energy. It is using coal to power the development of its cities. The use of coal can be very bad because it is using up a natural resource and also because burning coal is bad for the environment.


c. Air pollution: China’s air pollution is a problem; this can be seen in many of the cities like Beijing — you can see the pollution in the smoggy grey skies. The main reasons for air pollution are power plants and cars that emit harmful substances. Air pollution is bad because it can lead to many respiratory (breathing) and heart diseases.


d. Water pollution: Clean water is important for people to have access to, for drinking, washing, and cooking. But in some countries in the world, people is hard to get clean, safe water.


2.Solutions for China


a. Fewer people/population control


b. Different kinds of energy (more ALTERNATIVE ENERGIES)


c. More “energy efficient” things (computers and refrigerators can be made now that use much less energy)


3.What are some of YOUR ideas?


(相关文章:《这样的外教课,物超所值》 )