第9章 为梦想披荆斩棘 (8)






University Education Does not Come Cheap

佚名 / Anonymous

No money, no spare time, and no sleep. Such are the joys of being a college student in the United States, or anywhere I suspect.

Not having come from a rich family, the prospect of paying for university haunted me all through high school.

There are many available for students in the US. They are based on race, financial need, academic excellence, talent in sports, and other criteria. Either private or government organizations can be the source of funds.

I happened to get a few scholarships while still in high school, but the universities to which I was applying still expected my parents to contribute about half the tuition, which was around US $ 5,000. We did not have the money.

I could earn tuition money, forget education, or simply look for a more affordable school. And, that seemed the best choice for me.

I took my academic scholarships to Delta College, in the state of Michigan. They covered most of the cost, which was US $ 8,000. This is referred to as a community college, where there are two-year programmes. After two years, students can work in their field, or finish at a four-year university.

During those two years, I worked part time to pay tuition, and saved money by living at home. In doing so, I met a lot of people who were in the same situation. Either they did not have the money, or they weren' t sure what career they wanted, so they went for cheaper courses at a community college.

After two years, I chose Central Michigan University (CMU) and applied for other scholarships. I had made enough money in the two years and had enough scholarships that I finally could afford the school.

I had the funds and was excited, but I was nervous about moving away from a situation where no one really had a lot of money, to a place where some students didn' t need to work hard to get where they were.

Luckily, some friends I had made at my old college were going to CMU. Living in a dorm on campus was often as expensive as tuition and was just too much. So, we decided to share an apartment. Split four ways, the rent only came to US $ 235 a month, while a dorm room was US $ 600 a month. Still, to cover the cost of cellphones, textbooks, meals, and other necessities, we all needed extra money.

My roommates got jobs in fast food place, but I checked with the university to see if there were any jobs in the work-study programme. If CMU had not given me a job, I would have to take out a bank loan. That money would have to be paid back with interest. I did not want to start my new career after graduation, in debt.













Minnesota Dreamer

佚名 / Anonymous

Even if I did not have a dream, I always had a plan. In college, I learned to be responsible and organized and to set goals that I could attain. Then everything changed. I will never forget my final week from college last year. Days away from graduation and miles away from home, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I left the hospital alone, in devastation. Unsure of what my future would hold, I shed countless tears. Life suddenly became an unforeseeable thing, and I could not know what to do. Although close friends eased the pain, I could not hide from them my fear of facing death. Somehow, I managed to complete the exams in spite of my jangled nerves.

I began to feel different from everyone else, since my friends were graduating, celebrating, and eager to move on to new chapters in their lives. But I could not join them and celebrate with them. I especially found it interesting to see how others around me dealt with my news. Some acted suddenly distant for lack of words, some dramatized the whole thing, and some acted perfectly normal, which felt the most comfortable for me.

Within days, I had packed up all of my college belongings and headed home with my family ready to face this unexpected hurdle. I immediately turned to my best friend from high school. She had gone through cancer in our senior year, and because of watching her courageously overcome so many obstacles four years before, I knew she could give me the fuel I needed for my own battle.

As my surgery date to remove the tumor got closer, I was experiencing intense physical pain. Part of me wanted it over with and the other part of me was coming unglued. The wall of strength I had built was crumbling. I was so angry that I had to go through this when all those around me were going on with their lives. I spent a lot of time asking, why me?