第23章 爱是青涩的梅子 (9)

During college I noticed that there were fewer and fewer people still by themselves. Everyone was pairing up. Some of the girls in my class were wearing engagement rings. They were proud of their rings and would show them to everyone around them. One day I went to a jewelry store at the mall and looked at rings. I picked out a nice one for you. It was gold, with a small diamond in a silver setting. I didn' t know what your ring size was, so I bought one that fit my smallest finger. I figured we could get it fixed later. I carried that ring with me all the time. I wanted to be able to give it to you as soon as we were together.

After that day I thought about your hands a lot. I pictured myself holding them and looking at the tiny wrinkles in the palms. I tried to imagine how small your hands might be. How fragile they might be. In my dreams you would touch my face with your tiny fingers. The fingertips would touch my lips and I would kiss them.

I worked hard in college. I studied constantly because I wanted to get a good job when I graduated. I didn' t want our lives to suffer because I couldn' t provide for us. After college I got a well-paying job with an insurance company. After saving for two years I put a down payment on a house. A nice two-bedroom house. It had a large kitchen and a great bedroom for the two of us. I just knew you would love it. When I moved into the house, I tried not to buy too much furniture. I didn' t want to pick anything you wouldn' t like later. Just the basics .

Sometimes I would sit on the threshold of the front door. I would stare down the street and watch every car that passed by. One day you might be in one of those cars. I wanted that to happen so much.

The bed was too big for just one person. I couldn' t make myself stretch out or sleep in the middle. I stayed on my side and pretended that you were with me. Some nights I could almost hear you breathing. I would roll on my side and want to say your name, but I didn' t know what it was. I would just call you "Love."

"Love?" You would smile at me.

"Are you happy with me? Are you glad you waited for me?"

You wouldn' t answer. You' d just reach over and touch my lips and feel my face. I could feel your hands on my face. You could feel my tears.

"I love you so much."

The years went by. I tried to imagine what you were doing. I knew you were out there. I knew the person who' s meant for me must be out there somewhere. It would just be a matter of waiting. I knew I could wait forever for you if I had to. I loved you.

When my mom died I was left to handle all the arrangements myself. It had just been her and I, and we' d grown apart over the last twenty some-odd years. One Christmas she asked me when I was going to bring home a girl. I couldn' t say anything to answer that. I couldn' t even look her in the eyes the rest of the night. I wanted badly for you to meet her. She would be so proud of me. So proud that her son had such a wonderful woman. It would be perfect.

But as I watched her being lowered into the grave, I didn' t have anyone standing with me. I didn' t have anyone to show my mom. I was alone.

That night I cried. I cried because I didn' t have you with me to hold me and tell me everything was alright. I didn' t have a hand to hold or lips to kiss. Nothing. I' d never had that and perhaps never would.

Each morning I looked at myself in the mirror. The wrinkles around my eyes were getting deeper. My hair had thinned and receded. I hoped you would love me. I hoped you could still look at my face and smile.

"I want to see you smile," the nurse says.

I can' t. Everything in me hurts.

"If you don' t smile for me I' m going to have to turn off the TV and turn out the lights," the nurse warns. I hate her. She is always trying to make me do silly things like smile or laugh. She has never felt pain in her life.

Leave me alone.

"OK, there goes the TV. Good night, sir." She turns off the lights and shuts the door behind her. My small bedroom disappears into the dark. I can hear her footsteps as she walks down the hall. The footsteps fade, and then all I can hear is the distant echo of my heart. A tear slowly finds its way to my pillowcase and dies. My world becomes quiet.

I' m alone.

It' s dark and I' m alone.

Why didn' t you ever come, Love?

I waited for you.

I waited for you.









有时,我想知道你是否认为等待是如此难熬,我想知道你是否有了男朋友。但是,我知道你是不会对他认真的,一旦我们能够在一起,你就会离开他。然而,我一想起这些就会有点儿嫉妒。如果有可能的话,我想成为第一个抚摸你的人, 第一个吻你、牵你手的人。我不想要其他任何人,你将会是我的第一个女孩。

