第22章 我们为什么不快乐 (8)

They have been to school and college, but all the time they had their eye on the medal; they have gone about in the world and mixed with clever people, but all the time they were thinking of their own affairs. As if a man’s soul were not too small to begin with, they have dwarfed and narrowed theirs by a life of all work and no play; until here they are at forty, with a listless attention, a mind vacant of all material of amusement, and not one thought to rub against another, while they wait for the train. Before he was breeched, he might have clambered on the boxes, when he was twenty, he would have stared at the girls; but now the pipe is smoked out, the snuff-box empty, and my gentleman sits bolt upright upon a bench, with lamentable eyes. This does not appeal to me as being Success in Life.





1. They have no curiosity; they cannot give themselves over to random provocations; they do not take _______ in the exercise of their faculties for its own sake; and unless Necessity lays about them with a stick, they will even stand _______ .

2. To see them, you would suppose there was_______ to look at and no one to speak_______; you would imagine they were paralyzed or alienated; and yet very possibly they are hard workers in their own _______ , and have good _______for a flaw in a deed or a turn of the market.


1. 无论在中学还是在大学,在教会还是在市场,忙忙碌碌都是欠缺生命力的一个标志。

2. 当他们不想工作时,当他们不感到饥饿、不打算饮酒时,这个生机勃勃的世界对他们来说都是空白的。

3. 他们很可能以自己的方式成为勤奋的工作者,而且眼光锐利,可以看出一张契约上的瑕疵或是市场行情的变化。


1. There is a sort of dead-alive, hackneyed people about, who are scarcely conscious of living except in the exercise of some conventional occupation...

a sort of:一种;有点儿;所谓的

2. You will see how they pine for their desk or their study.

pine for:渴望


12 Ways to Minimize Stress

佚名 / Anonymous

It’s holiday again. Most of us look forward to it. But as we immerse ourselves in the holiday season—the parties, the shopping, the cooking, the relatives, the bills—what we were hoping for, fun and warm feelings of togetherness, often turns out to be little more than stress and fatigue.

Although it is nearly impossible not to experience some increase in stress during this hectic time, there are ways to help keep stress levels manageable. Consider the following tips to help make your holidays a little brighter.

—Continue to exercise during the holidays, even if it’s less than your usual regimen.

—Try to eat healthy foods.

Relax between parties and other holiday obligations.

—Be aware of what’s going on inside of you.

Are you missing a special holiday ritual from your childhood? Can you incorporate it in to your current holiday plans?

—Practise tolerance.

Remember that everyone in those long shopping lines is just as pressed for time as you are. Better yet shop online!

—Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize.

You cannot do it all, and if you try, you surely will not enjoy yourself.

—Budget your holiday spending money ahead of time.

Write down your spending list and stick to it.

—Remember that drinking alcohol only gives the illusion of feeling better and less stressed.

It is important to drink only in moderation—particularly during the holidays when many other stresses are present.

—Avoid bringing up difficult or sensitive subject matter at family gatherings.

—Give to someone less fortunate.

Adopt a needy family. Donate toys for underprivileged children. Remember that giving is the true spirit of the holidays.

—If you are from a displaced family, or for some reason cannot be with your loved ones during the holidays, seek out others in the same situation and plan a special gathering.

—Talk to a friend, or, if needed, a therapist, about your holiday blues and stress.

Often, just verbalizing your thoughts will help alleviate the negative feelings, and the interchange can provide you with some stress-relief solutions.

—Be thankful for all you have.

假期又来临了,大部分人都很期待它的到来,但是由于我们将自己沉浸在整个假期中——聚会、购物、烹饪、串亲戚、清账—— 一切我们所期盼的,相聚使我们感到快乐和温暖,但往往也会带来少许压力和疲倦。























1. Although it is nearly_______ not to experience some increase in stress during this hectic _______, there are _______ to help keep stress levels manageable.Consider the following _______to help make your holidays a little brighter.

2. Adopt a needy family.Donate toys for underprivileged _______ .Remember that giving is the true spirit of the _______ .