第13章 成功的DNA密码 (12)

2. “Guard your treasure from__ by investing only where your principle is safe. Consult with wise men. Secure the__ of those experienced in the profitable handling of gold. Let their wisdom protect your treasure__ unsale investments.”

3. “Cultivate your own__ , to__ and become wiser, to become more skilful, to act as to respect yourself.”


1. 那里的富人越来越富,穷人却越来越穷。


2. 因为他们懂得生财之道,任何人都不能谴责那些懂得如何成功的人。


3. 如果你的计划尚不成熟,千万不要盲目地进行投资。



1. The start of the conversation sums up the topic.

sum up:总结;计算……的总数;概述


2. Put each coin to laboring that it may reproduce its kind even as flocks of the field and help to bring to you income, a stream of wealth that shall flow constantly into your purse.

put to:靠岸;应用



How Did He Begin

奥里森·马登 / Orison Marden

“Fifty years ago, ” said Hezekiah Conan, the millionaire manufacturer and philanthropist of Pawtucket, R. I. “I persuaded my father to let me leave my home in Dudley, Mass., and strike out for myself. So one morning in May, 1845, the old farm horse and wagon was hitched up, and, dressed in our Sunday clothes, father and I started for Worcester. Our object was to get me the situation offered by an advertisement in the Worcester County Gazette as follows:

Boy Wanted.

Wanted Immediately. At the Gazette Office, a well disposed boy, able to do heavy rolling.

Worcester, May 7.

“The financial inducements were thirty dollars the first year, thirty-five the next, and forty dollars the third year and board in the employer’s family. These conditions were accepted, and I began work the next day. The Gazette was an ordinary four-page sheet. I soon learned what heavy rolling meant for the paper was printed on a Washington hand-press, the edition of about 2,000 copies requiring two laborious intervals of about ten hours each, every week. The printing of the outside was generally done Friday and kept me very busy all day.

“The inside went to press about three or four o’clock Tuesday afternoon, and it was after three o’clock on Wednesday morning before I could go to bed, tired and lame from the heavy rolling. In addition, I also had the laborious task of carrying a quantity of water from the pump behind the block around to the entrance in front, and then up two flights of stairs, usually a daily job. I was at first everybody’s servant. I was abused, called all sorts of nicknames, had to sweep out the office, build fires in winter, run errands, post bills, carry papers, wait on the editor, in fact I led the life of a genuine printer’s devil; but when I showed them at length that I had learned to set type and run the press, I got promoted, and another boy was hired to succeed to my task, with all its decorations. That was my first success, and from that day to this I have never asked anybody to get me a job or situation, and never used a letter of recommendation; but when an important job was in prospect the proposed employers were given all facilities to learn of my abilities and character. If some young men are easily discouraged, I hope they may gain encouragement and strength from my story. It is a long, rough road at first, but, like the ship on the ocean, you must lay your course for the place where you hope to land, and take advantage of all favoring circumstances.”

It is said that the career of Benjamin Franklin is full of inspiration for any young man. When he left school for good he was only twelve years of age. At first he did little but read. He soon found, however, that reading, alone, would not make him an educated man, and he proceeded to act upon this discovery at once. At school he had been unable to understand arithmetic. Twice he had given it up as a hopeless puzzle, and finally left school almost hopelessly ignorant upon the subject. But the printer’s boy soon found his ignorance of figures extremely inconvenient. When he was about fourteen he took up for the third time the“Cocker’s Arithmetic”, which had baffled him at school, and ciphered all through it with ease and pleasure. He then mastered a work upon navigation, which included the rudiments of geometry, and thus tasted “the inexhaustible charm of mathematics.” He pursued a similar course, we are told, in acquiring the art of composition, in which, at length, he excelled most of the men of his time. When he was but a boy of sixteen, he wrote so well that the pieces which he slyly sent to his brother’s paper were thought to have been written by some of the most learned men in the colony.

The most successful man is he who has triumphed over obstacles, disadvantages and discouragements.





