第8章 难忘的时刻My Unforgettable Moment
兰斯·阿姆斯特朗 /Lance Armstrong
The old saying that you should live each day as though it's your last is a nice sentiment, but it doesn't work. Take it from me. I tried it once and here's what I learned: if I pursued only happiness and lived just for the moment, I'd be a poor husband and father, a waster with a perpetual three-day growth on my chin. Cancer taught me that. Suffering, I learned, is as essential to a good life, and as inextricable as bliss.
Before cancer, whatever I imagined happiness to be, pretty soon I wore it out, took it for granted or threw it away. A portfolio, a Porsche, a coffee machine-these things were important to me. So was my hair. Then I lost them; including the hair.
When I was 25, I was diagnosed with advanced testicular cancer, which had metastasized into my lungs and brain. I sold my car, gave up my career as a world-class cyclist, lost a good deal of money and barely hung on to my life. When I went into remission, I thought happiness would mean being self-indulgent. Not knowing how much time I had left, I did not intent to suffer ever again.
I had suffered months of fear, chemotherapy so strong it left burn-like marks under my skin and surgery to remove two tumours. Happiness to me then was waking up. I ate Mexican food, played golf and lay on the couch. The pursuit of happiness meant going to my favorite restaurant and pursuing a plate of enchiladas with tomatillo sauce.
Two events changed me. The f irst happened one night at dinner. My wife Kristin put down her fork and said, “You need to decide something: are you going to be a golf-playing, beer-drinking, Mexican-food-eating slob for the rest of your life? If you are, I'll still love you. But I need to know because, if so, I'll go and get a job. I'm not going to sit at home while you play golf.”
I stared at her.
“I'm so bored.”she said.
Suddenly I understood that I was bored, too. Bored and purposeless. I realized that responsibility, the routines and habits of shaving in the morning, having a job to do and a wife to love-these were the things that tied my days together and gave them a pattern deserving of the term living.
In days I was back on my bike. For the f irst time in my life, I rode with real strength and stamina-and purpose.
The second moment arrived along with the birth of my son Luck. I grew up without a father; he left home before I was able to walk. So I vowed that if I ever had a child, I would be there for him in every way-the whole way.
Because of cancer, having a child would obviously not be easy. I had my sperm frozen. Kristin had to have an operation, and Luke was conceived by in vitro fertilisation. He developed normally, but Kristin had trouble during the delivery. The baby was in crisis and doctors had to use forceps. He was tiny, blue, not crying and his lungs weren't f illing with air. So they grabbed him from Kristin, whisked him into a side room, put a mask over his face and pumped air into his lungs.
I remember I was just standing there helpless, Kristin looking at me, asking, “What's wrong? What's wrong?”And I didn't have any answers. I could see the doctors working, yet I was helpless. I had been through lot of scary stuff, but that topped everything.
Medical personnel dashed in and out of the room. I was thinking, “Cry, please cry.” I was petrif ied. At that moment I would have done anything just to hear him scream.
Then I saw them remove the mask. He opened his mouth and scrunched his face and let out a big, strong “Whaaaaaa!”
It sounded like the wail of life. I had wanted to show him, but he had just shown me, that life was about staying tough. You f ight to go on.
Cancer was the making of me: through fear and pain I became a more compassionate and intelligent man, husband and father-and therefore a more alive one.
I remember many nights after we f irst brought Luke home. Sometimes I'd lift him out of his cot and take him back to bed with me, and I'd lay him on my chest.
Every cry of his delighted me. He'd throw back his head and his chin would tremble, his hands would claw the air and he'd wail. “Yeah, that's right.” I'd tell him. “Go on.”
1._______ cancer, whatever I imagined happiness to be, pretty_______ I wore it out, took it for granted or threw it away. A portfolio, a Porsche, a coffee machine-these_______were important to me._______was my hair. Then I_______them; including the hair.
2._______I went into remission, I thought happiness would_______ being self-indulgent. Not knowing how much_______I had left, I did not intent to suffer_______ again.
3.It sounded_______the wail of life. I had wanted to_______ him, but he had just shown me, that life was about_______ tough. You f ight to go_______.
1.Before cancer, whatever I imagined happiness to be, pretty soon I wore it out, took it for granted or threw it away.
throw away:扔掉,抛弃
2.I stared at her.
stare at:目不转睛地看,凝视