Language Focus

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the following words from the text.

1) According to my parents, listening to music is a(n) _____ pursuit because music is unimportant and will get me nowhere.

2) If you are _____ about something you’ll probably have a huge smile on your face.

3) Out of thirty students in this class, twenty-five wear Air Jordans, which means that Jordans are the _____ shoe worn by my students.

4) I always tell students not to stand around and _____ violence when two other students are arguing because their urgings just make things worse.

5) When I made a big mistake in my presentation in front of the class, I wish I could_____ into thin air.

6) Clipping coupons and reusing the same sheet of tinfoil over and over are two examples of my grandmother’s growing _____.

7) Yesterday, a _____ blizzard covered the town with two feet snow.

8) As soon as you drive a car off the lot it _____ in value so drastically that if you take it back the very next day, you won’t even get back 80% of what you paid for it.

9) Jeremy, who is playing video games at home when he should be in math class, is a_____.

10) Sarah glared at me, her eyes filled with the _____ that I had cheated her of her rightful place on the dance team.

2. Find the appropriate prepositions or adverbs that collocate with the neighboring words.

1) The first chapter describes the strange sequence _____ events that lead to his death.

2) When were you first introduced _____ sailing?

3) I ransacked the cupboard _____ my ski boots.

4) He doesn’t drink alcohol _____ account of his health.

5) That bit of the form is for UK citizens—it doesn’t apply _____ you.

6) I don’t want to burden you _____ my problems.

7) Despite his great commercial success he still yearns _____ critical approval.

8) I couldn’t live _____ this month without finding a new job.

9) I lost my footing and tumbled _____ the stairs.

10) If someone wriggles _____ the hook, they avoid a responsibility or avoid doing something.

3. Match the following words or expressions with the correct meanings.

1) unassuming a. to drop down heavily

2) agile b. to go down; dying off or slackening

3) coax c. secretly, not openly

4) subside d. pushing very hard

5) on the sly e. very quick

6) prudence f. falsely attractive

7) flop down g. a strong feeling of excitement or elation

8) meretricious h. to persuade; try to make someone do something

9) intoxication i. humble

10) bulldozing j. good judgment