Section Two Pronoun-antecedent Agreement

To avoid repeating nouns in writing, you can use pronouns to stand in for them.In doing so, you must be sure that each pronoun agrees with the noun it refers to (its antecedent).Pronouns and antecedents must agree in person, number, and gender.

1.Avoid needless shifts in person

1) One has to expect criticism when you succeed.

In the sentence above, the third-person oneis shifted to the second-person youwithout any reason.

You can correct this error by using the second person throughout:

2) You have to expect criticism when you succeed,

or by using the third person throughout.

3) One has to expect criticism when one succeeds.

4) One has to expect criticism when he succeeds.

Sentence 4) is the most natural way and the one most frequently used in writing.

2.Avoid needless shifts in number

1) The waitresses in this elegant restaurant can receive up to eighty percent of her salary in tips.

2) The mayor welcomed the foreign delegation by presenting them with a key to the city.

In sentence 1) , the antecedent waitressesis plural but its pronoun heris singular.To match them, you can replace herwith their.In sentence 2) , the antecedent foreign delegationis singular but its pronoun themis plural.To match them, you can replace themwith it.

3.Avoid needless shifts in gender

Many people write heor she , himor her , and himselfor herselfin an attempt to show that they have no sex bias:

1) If one wants to succeed in his or her career, he or she has to depend on himself or herself.

Such writing is often awkward and wordy.No one talks that way, and it isn't necessary to write that way, either.The pronouns he, him , or himselfare generally used to represent both genders:

2) If one wants to succeed in his career, he has to depend on himself.

You can rewrite this sentence by switching it entirely to the third-person plural form:

3) If people want to succeed in their careers, they have to depend on themselves.

or to the second-person you (either singular or plural) :

4) If you want to succeed in your career (s) , you have to depend on yourself (yourselves).

Practice 2-2-1

In the following sentences, correct the unnecessary shifts in person, in number, and/or in gender.Answers are provided only for the first five sentences.

1.One cannot sleep soundly if you exercise vigorously before retiring to bed.

2.Neither Mary nor Joanne has told their mother the truth.

3.Dogs are our good friends.It helps us a lot.

4.If we can't finish our work, the employer will lay you off.

5.An optimist always looks on the cheerful side of life.They believe that if you smile to the mirror of life, it will smile back to you.

6.Many of us can't budget their time wisely.

7.When you are helping someone, you'll get respect from them.

8.Nobody can be really successful if you don't work hard.

9.When we are tired, get a good book and read it.

10.Somebody on the girls' volleyball team left their jacket in the locker room (衣帽间).

11.While memorizing the English words, he likes to write it down.

12.Many students don't have the habit of turning off the light when you go out.

13.Anyone can participate in fitness activities if you can pass a routine physical exam.

14.One should never let himself or herself spell a word wrong even in a first draft, for if he or she does, he or she simply reinforces a bad habit.

15.Each person has their favorite fast-food restaurant.

Practice 2-2-2

Choose one of the topics below and write your own paragraph (s).

1.Write a paragraph or several paragraphs in which you make a list of your plans for the next few weeks or months or years.It will be a“I plan…”or“I will…”paragraph.

2.Write a paragraph or several paragraphs describing an unforgettable event you once experienced on campus, in your workplace, or in your life.

3.Almost everyone encounters obstacles which must be overcome to achieve a goal.What are some of the obstacles which stand between you and your goal at present? Write a paragraph or several paragraphs describing these obstacles and the steps you have taken (or you will take) to overcome them.