Section Three The Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs are the paragraphs that develop the thesis statement.Each of these paragraphs should contain a topic sentence, several developing sentences, and a concluding sentence.The concluding sentence, however, may sometimes be optional.By presenting details, explaining causes, offering reasons, and/or giving examples, you will be able to supply enough specific evidence to persuade your reader that the opinion expressed in your thesis statement makes great sense.

1.The Plan of the Body Paragraphs

To plan the body paragraphs, you should refer back to the introductory paragraph.The main points listed in the thesis statement will constantly serve you as a guide when you write the body paragraphs of your essay.Consider the following thesis statement of the essay:

There are three major differences between New York City and Washington, D.C.: population, business, and traffic.

This thesis statement clearly indicates that there will be three body paragraphs in this essay and they will deal with population, business, and traffic in that order.

In some cases, the three main points in the thesis statement can be put in any order;however, in most cases, the three main points should be logically arranged.Look at the following example:

Filling a car with gas at a self-serve station requires three steps: pulling up to the proper pump, putting the gas in the tank, and paying money to the attendant.

The above thesis statement shows that the order in which the three main points will be discussed is the only logical development, for the second step cannot occur without the first step.Therefore, when you tell your reader how to do or make something, the main points in the thesis statement should be a chronological sequence: one thing leads to another, and then to another.

Once the three main points are in a logical order, you can start to plan the body paragraphs.Look at this example:

The Campus Bookstore is the worst place to buy books because of its unreasonable prices, unqualified employees, and constant book shortages.

After you make sure that the order in which the three main points will be discussed is a reasonable one, your plan for developing the body paragraphs of the essay will look like this:

Body paragraph 1: discussion of unreasonable prices

Body paragraph 2: discussion of unqualified employees

Body paragraph 3: discussion of constant book shortages

Now you can add some details to each body paragraph.Then your outline for the body paragraphs will look like this:

A.unreasonable prices

a.books too expensive compared to other stores

b.the prices keep increasing from day to day

B.unqualified employees

a.clerks are unfamiliar with the location of books

b.untrained cashiers

C.constant book shortages

a.wrong books and/or wrong edition ordered

b.delayed orders

After you have completed the outline for the body paragraphs, you are to write the three topic sentences.The topic sentence of a body paragraph has two important functions:

1) Each topic sentence is directly connected to one of the main points stated in the thesis statement of the essay.

2) Each topic sentence announces what that particular paragraph will discuss in detail.

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Once you write a good topic sentence for a body paragraph, you can develop it just like the way you develop a topic sentence in a single paragraph.Of course, every body paragraph should also be fully developed, and have paragraph cohesion and coherence.

Note: The body paragraphs are usually of approximately equal length.A body paragraph that is much shorter or much longer than other body paragraphs shows a lack of balance and often indicates a lack of organization.

2.The Bridges between the Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs are a group of paragraphs in which a number of ideas are discussed.Just as the sentences in a single paragraph must flow smoothly, your body paragraphs should also flow smoothly from one to another.You should not leave your reader the impression that your body paragraphs jump abruptly from idea to idea.Instead, you should try your best to show your reader the relationship between the first body paragraph and the second body paragraph, and between the second body paragraph and the third body paragraph.

Like the transition signals between sentences, the bridges used between body paragraphs must be clear, smooth, and natural, too.You can connect one body paragraph with the next one in three ways.

1) You can link two paragraphs by adding a transition signal in each of the topic sentences.This transition signal can be a single word, a phrase, or a clause.For example, the three topic sentences below are written according to this thesis statement: The barriers that wheelchair users face lie mainly in transportation, access to public buildings, and employment.

Topic sentence 1: The first barrier the wheelchair users face every day relates to transportation.

Topic sentence 2: The second barrier for the wheelchair users is the stairs in front of public buildings.

Topic sentence 3: The last, but the worst barrier of all is the occupational barrier.

2) You can repeat some of the old information from the preceding topic sentence in the next topic sentence before you discuss the new idea.You can either repeat the exact word, phrase, or clause, or restate the main idea in a different word, phrase, or clause.The three topic sentences below are written according to this thesis statement: There are three things you must think about when choosing clothes for a job interview: color, style, and size.

Topic sentence 1.The color of your clothes sends a message that helps determine whether or not you'll be hired.

Topic sentence 2.Along with color, the style of your clothes makes a difference.

Topic sentence 3.In addition to color and style, your clothes must also fit your body shape.

3) You can use a combination of the two methods above.For example, the three topic sentences below are written according to this thesis statement: Rugby (橄榄球) has qualities much admired by American sports fans: speed, violence, and strategy.

Topic sentence 1: Speed is the primary reason to account for why rugby is so popular in America.

Topic sentence 2: Violence makes this sport even more attractive to Americans.

Topic sentence 3: Besides, strategy needed in the game also provides unexpected excitement for American sports fans.

Practice 4-3-1

The topic sentences under each essay topic do not have paragraph bridges.Connect the topic sentences under each essay topic by using any one of the three methods you have just learned.Change the wording as necessary.Answers are provided only for the first essay topic as suggestions.

Topic one: Beijing Opera (or other local operas in China) is declining in popularity.

Topic sentence 1: The facial makeup leaves little suspense for the audience.

Topic sentence 2: The incomprehensible dialogues and slow pace in the opera can throw the young audience into an intolerable situation.

Topic sentence 3: Other forms of entertainments are appealing to the younger generation.

Topic two: How to become a successful speaker?

Topic sentence 1: You should choose and organize your language carefully.

Topic sentence 2: You should vary the pace and volume of your speech to emphasize particular ideas.

Topic sentence 3: Body language is a technique that can help you convey your ideas effectively.

Topic three: Problems with the apartment I rent.

Topic sentence 1: My landlord has been uncooperative.

Topic sentence 2: I've had troubles with incompetent janitors and custodians (物业服务人员).

Topic sentence 3: The problem has been with the inconsiderate neighbors who live in the apartment above me.

Topic four: Celebrities (名人) are not as happy as they are often pictured to be.

Topic sentence 1: Celebrities do not have the privacy that ordinary people do.

Topic sentence 2: Celebrities are under constant pressures.

Topic sentence 3: Celebrities may lack the sense of security.

Practice 4-3-2

Choose one of the following thesis statements, and then develop the three main points in the thesis statement into three topic sentences.There should be paragraph bridges between them.The following is an example.

The thesis statement:

People commit crimes because they are poor, ignorant, and/or greedy.

The three topic sentences with paragraph bridges between them:

Quite simply, poverty is a trigger for crimes.

Other people are sentenced as guilty because they lack legal awareness.

Certain lawbreakers are wealthy and well-educated, but their greedy desires lure them into committing crimes.

Answers will vary.

1.To become a qualified athlete, one must have intelligence, determi-nation, and training.

2.Living with a roommate can help you learn honesty, tolerance, and consideration.

3.The Americans talk about money because that is the symbol and measure they have at hand for success, intelligence, and power.

Practice 4-3-3

There are three essay topics below.

Topic one: Discuss three major reasons that lead to a student's failure to pass an exam.

Topic two: Discuss three major pressures that college students are facing in modern-day China.

Topic three: Discuss three major pressures that employees are bearing in modern-day China.

Choose one of the essay topics and complete the following tasks.

Step 1.Write the three topic sentences according to the three main points in the thesis statement of your chosen essay topic.

Step 2.Write the three body paragraphs according to the ideas that you have divided into three general groups.

Step 3.Check your body paragraphs against the Body Paragraph Checklist below.

Answers are provided only for the first topic as suggestions.

Body Paragraph Checklist

1.Does each body paragraph discuss one main point which is briefly stated in the thesis statement?

2.Is each main point in the thesis statement developed into the topic sentence of a body paragraph?

3.Is each body paragraph adequately developed with enough details?

4.Does each of the body paragraphs have good cohesion and coherence?

5.Are there bridges between the body paragraphs?

6.Are all the body paragraphs approximately equal in length?

7.Do the three body paragraphs successfully make the thesis statement convincing to the reader?