Section 2: Finding a topic
Although essays are the most common assignments in university, students are often asked to write reports. Clearly there is a big difference between reports and essays.
Activity 2-1: True or false
Read the following and tick those that might be true about reports.
( ) 1. An experiment you have conducted.
( ) 2. A survey you have carried out.
( ) 3. A survey of your education and work experience.
( ) 4. A comparison of alternative proposals to deal with a situation.
( ) 5. Due to its convenience, it is used for informal communication.
Activity 2-2: Analyzing the components of a report
Read the previous report on microcomputer in teaching. Decide that a report can include the following aspects.
( ) 1. Greetings
( ) 2. Introduction
( ) 3. Methods
( ) 4. Subject headlines
( ) 5. Results
( ) 6. Discussing
( ) 7. Writer’s name and job title
( ) 8. Conclusion
Activity 2-3: Requirements of writing a research reports
Read and tick the correct descriptions about the writing style of a research report:
( ) 1. Be based on primary as well as secondary research.
( ) 2. Have a clear and logical format.
( ) 3. Use objective and accurate academic style.
( ) 4. Use numbering (1.1, 1.2) and sub-headings for different sections.
( ) 5. Be more specific and detailed.
( ) 6. Include citations and references.
( ) 7. Make use of visual information in the form of graphs and tables.
( ) 8. Include appendices where necessary.
Teachers usually allow students to find their own topics for a major writing assignment; thus choose something of interest so you won’t get bored after few days. At the same time, your chosen topic will need a scholarly perspective. Unlike a general subject, a scholarly and workable topic should:
·Examine one narrowed issue, not a broad subject
·Address knowledgeable readers and carry them to another plateau of knowledge
·Have a serious purpose—one that demands analysis of the issues, argues from a position, and explains complex details
·Meet the expectations of the instructor and conform to the course requirements
Like other researchers, you may need to consult formally to explore more ideas with others on the topic. Here are the tips.
·Relate your personal ideas to a scholarly problem.
·Search computer sources for issues worthy of investigation.
·Participate in online discussion groups to see what others consider important.
·Examine the library’s printed sources for confirmation that your topic has been discussed in the academic literature.
·Consult with your professors.
·Discuss your topic with three or four classmates and listen to their concerns.
Activity 2-4: Read and answer yes or no
Read and decide which the following topics are likely to be written as report.