第一节 农产品贸易法律制度



在发达国家中,美国、欧共体和日本的农业政策具有很强的代表性。美国认为农业生产过剩和消费需求不足是影响农业的主要问题,因此美国主要通过限制农业生产规模,实施休耕补贴,制订价格和收入支持计划以及需求扩展计划来刺激农产品需求,提高农产品价格。欧共体则是通过制定共同农业政策(Common Agriculture Policy,CAP),建立农产品统一市场的方式来处理农产品问题。CAP的核心制度是市场价格机制制度,该制度由目标价格(target price)、干预价格(intervention price)和门槛价格(threshold price)构成,目标价格在每年年初确认,当欧共体市场价格降低到目标价格之下某一点时,欧共体将以实现制定好的干预价格收购农产品;而当市场价格超过目标价格时,欧共体则将收购的农产品投放到市场中以平抑物价。门槛价格则是欧共体之外的农产品进入欧共体时最低的进口价格。除此之外,CAP还通过其他各种名目繁多的补贴和基金保障农民收入,欧共体也因此成为世界上对农产品补贴力度最大的实体之一。日本则是世界上对农产品进口依赖程度最高、对农业保护程度最深的国家之一,其现有的法律主要通过价格支持、生产补贴和贸易保护等三种措施来对农产品实施保护,其中种类繁多的贸易保护措施构成了日本农产品保护体系的一大特色。除通常的进口配额外,日本农产品的进口往往由政府性或准政府性贸易机构垄断,这些机构往往通过国营贸易(state trading)方式对农产品提供保护。




GATT1947中并没有单独针对农产品的法律规则,因此农产品贸易应该受到GATT1947所有规则的约束。但是,GATT1947对于初级产品(primary products)有一些例外规则,由于绝大多数农产品同时也是初级产品,农产品贸易实际上一直都没有被有效纳入到GATT多边贸易体制当中来,[2]上述例外规则主要包括以下几个方面。



Article Ⅵ: Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties

7. A system for the stabilization of the domestic price or of the return to domestic producers of a primary commodity, independently of the movements of export prices, which results at times in the sale of the commodity for export at a price lower than the comparable price charged for the like commodity to buyers in the domestic market, shall be presumed not to result in material injury within the meaning of paragraph 6 if it is determined by consultation among the contracting parties substantially interested in the commodity concerned that:

(a) the system has also resulted in the sale of the commodity for export at a price higher than the comparable price charged for the like commodity to buyers in the domestic market, and

(b) the system is so operated, either because of the effective regulation of production, or otherwise, as not to stimulate exports unduly or otherwise seriously prejudice the interests of other contracting parties.



Article ⅩⅥ: Subsidies

3. Accordingly, contracting parties should seek to avoid the use of subsidies on the export of primary products. If, however, a contracting party grants directly or indirectly any form of subsidy which operates to increase the export of any primary product from its territory, such subsidy shall not be applied in a manner which results in that contracting party having more than an equitable share of world export trade in that product, account being taken of the shares of the contracting parties in such trade in the product during a previous representative period, and any special factors which may have affected or may be affecting such trade in the product.


AD Article ⅩⅥ,paragraph 3

1. The fact that a contracting party has not exported the product in question during the previous representative period would not in itself preclude that contracting party from establishing its right to obtain a share of the trade in the product concerned.

2. A system for the stabilization of the domestic price or of the return to domestic producers of a primary product independently of the movements of export prices, which results at times in the sale of the product for export at a price lower than the comparable price charged for the like product to buyers in the domestic market, shall be considered not to involve a subsidy on exports within the meaning of paragraph 3 if the CONTRACTING PARTIES determine that:

(a) the system has also resulted, or is so designed as to result, in the sale of the product for export at a price higher than the comparable price charged for the like product to buyers in the domestic market; and

(b) the system is so operated, or is designed so to operate, either because of the effective regulation of production or otherwise, as not to stimulate exports unduly or otherwise seriously to prejudice the interests of other contracting parties.

Notwithstanding such determination by the CONTRACTING PARTIES, operations under such a system shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 where they are wholly or partly financed out of government funds in addition to the funds collected from producers in respect of the product concerned.


除了对进出口进行补贴外,GATT缔约方还可以通过其他方式对农产品进出口实施限制。如根据GATT第11条,缔约方可以在符合条件的情况下对任何形式的农产品实施进出口数量限制;而根据GATT第20条,缔约方可以将“为保护人类、动植物的生命或健康所必需的措施”(measures necessary to protect human,animal or plant life or health)排除在适用范围之外。在GATT的历史上,缔约方曾多次通过援引上述例外意图对本国农产品提供保护。除此之外,GATT缔约方也往往会通过提出保留或者诉诸GATT第25条豁免程序,将本国农业保护措施排除在多边贸易体制纪律之外。[3]




20世纪80年代以来,受世界整体经济环境的影响,农产品的消费量增长开始放缓,这与发达国家农业技术日新月异地发展所带来的农业生产能力的提高形成了尖锐的矛盾,农产品进出口纠纷因此不断升级,各国也不得不开始重新审视现有的世界农产品贸易格局和规则。正是在这种背景下,农产品贸易问题被纳入到1986年开始的乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判的议题之中。在经历了美国、欧共体和凯恩斯集团(Cairns Group)等主要利益集团漫长而艰难的讨价还价之后,各谈判方终于在决定建立WTO的同时达成了关于农产品贸易的统一规则——《农产品协议》(Agreement on Agriculture)。


《农产品协议》属于WTO协议的有机组成部分,其被作为“一揽子交易”(a package of deal)的内容纳入到附件1A之中。总的来看,《农产品协议》的核心制度包括市场准入、国内支持和出口补贴三大部分。


农产品市场准入的核心问题是建立“单一关税制”(tariff-only regime),将原有的用于控制农产品的非关税措施,如配额、许可证等,全部转化为关税的形式。易言之,将关税作为控制农产品进出口的唯一措施。这样一来,农产品市场准入就由原来比较复杂的问题转化为了简单的关税减让问题。根据缔约方的承诺,发达国家应该在6年之内(1995~2000年)将农产品普通关税平均削减36%,其中某一税目的削减比例不得低于15%,发展中国家则应在10年内(1995~2004年)以不低于发达国家2/3的水平对关税进行削减。[4]

市场准入的规定见《农产品协议》第4条第2款,该款规定,各成员不得维持、采取或重新使用已被要求转化为普通关税的任何措施,除非第5条和附件5中另有规定。上诉机构在“智利——农产品价格波幅制度及保障措施案”(Chile-Price Band System and Safeguard Measures Relating to Certain Agricultural Products)中对本款进行了以下的阐述:Article 4.2 of the Agreement on Agriculture should be interpreted in a way that gives meaning to the use of the present perfect tense in that provision-particularly in the light of the fact that most of the other obligations in the Agreement on Agriculture and in the other covered agreements are expressed in the present, and not in the present perfect, tense. In general, requirements expressed in the present perfect tense impose obligations that came into being in the past, but may continue to apply at present。

《农产品协议》对农产品市场准入规定了特殊的保障机制(Special Safeguards,SSGs),即在进口激增的特殊情况下,成员方可以对进口采取临时性保护措施,但当进口量增加到一定水平以上或者价格跌到一定水平以下,成员方可以对此征收较高的保障措施关税而无需证明国内产业是否受到损害。




Domestic support measures for which exemption from the reduction commitments is claimed shall meet the fundamental requirement that they have no, or at most minimal, trade-distorting effects or effects on production. Accordingly, all measures for which exemption is claimed shall conform to the following basic criteria:

(a)the support in question shall be provided through a publicly-funded government programme (including government revenue foregone) not involving transfers from consumers; and,

(b)the support in question shall not have the effect of providing price support to producers;

expenditures (or revenue foregone) in relation to programmes which provide services or benefits to agriculture or the rural community;Domestic food aid;Direct payments to producers;Payments for relief from natural disasters;Payments under environmental programmes and regional assistance programmes.


(a)Direct payments under production-limiting programmes shall not be subject to the commitment to reduce domestic support if:

(i)such payments are based on fixed area and yields; or

(ii)such payments are made on 85 per cent or less of the base level of production; or

(iii)livestock payments are made on a fixed number of head.

(3)黄箱措施指的是除绿箱和蓝箱补贴措施之外的由政府对农产品进行的直接价格干预和补贴措施,成员方对于这种措施应该承担减让义务。黄箱措施的力度大小通过“综合支持量”(The Total Aggregate Measurement of Support,AMS)这一指标来衡量。而所谓“综合支持量”,指的是为支持农产品生产者而提供某种农产品,或者为支持农业生产者而提供给非特定产品的年度支持水平,一般用货币单位来表示。《农产品协议》规定,发达国家应该在从1995年开始的6年内逐步将综合支持量削减20%,发展中国家在10年内削减13%。




自乌拉圭回合谈判以来,农产品问题一直被视为谈判的核心,在新一轮的多哈回合贸易谈判中,农产品谈判经历了非常曲折的历程,大致可以分为四个阶段:第一阶段从2000年3月到2001年3月,是谈判的起步阶段;第二阶段从2001年3月到2002年3月,谈判方围绕《农产品协议》的主要问题和《多哈宣言》第13~14段的内容提出了大量意见;第三阶段从2002年3月到2003年9月,这一阶段由于解决的是制订具体模式的问题,因此各谈判方分歧巨大,最终导致了坎昆(Cancun)会议的失败;第四阶段从2003年9月到2004年7月,谈判方最终达成了《多哈回合框架性协议》(Doha Framework Programme)。该协议在农产品问题上还是采取了较为折中的态度,其一方面在综合支持总量问题上规定采取“层级公式”(tiered formula)的削减方式,要求国内综合支持总量水平较高的成员方作出相应较多的减让;另一方面则规定,为了防止成员方通过在不同类产品之间转移支持量来规避协议,对于具体产品的综合支持总量应在其平均水平基础上进行削减,但具体的方法则留待今后议定;[5]同时,对于国内承诺问题,除应该遵循WTO《农产品协议》第6条所列标准外,还可议定新的标准,但这种标准须确保蓝箱措施较之综合支持总量具有较少的贸易冲击效果,考虑到WTO权利义务的平衡,并对于正在进行的改革不会造成恶劣的影响。[6]


[1] 龚宇:《WTO农产品贸易法律制度研究》,厦门,厦门大学出版社,2005,第30页。

[2] 曹建明、贺小勇:《世界贸易组织法》,北京,法律出版社,2004,第208页。

[3] 曹建明、贺小勇:《世界贸易组织法》,北京,法律出版社,2004,第210~211页。

[4] Modalities for the Establishment of Specific Binding Commitments under the Reform Programme: Note by the Chair of the Market Access Group, 20 December 1993, MTN.GNG/MA/W/24, para.5.

[5] WT/GC/W/535, Doha Work Progrmme, July 31,2004, Annex A, para.9.

[6] WT/GC/W/535, Doha Work Progrmme, July 31,2004, Annex A, paras.13-14.