第二节 中国加入WTO的基本法律文件02
Foreign law firms can provide legal services only in the form of representative offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Haikou, Dalian, Qingdao, Ningbo, Yantai, Tianjin, Suzhou, Xiamen, Zhuhai,Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Shenyang and Kunming only.
Representative offices can engage in profit-making activities. Representative offices in China shall be no less than the number established upon the date of accession. A foreign law firm can only establish one representative office in China. The above-mentioned geographic and quantitative limitations will be eliminated within one year after China's accession to the WTO. Business scope of foreign representative offices is only as follows:
(a) to provide clients with consultancy on the legislation of the country/region where the lawyers of the law firm are permitted to engage in lawyer's professional work, and on international conventions and practices;
(b) to handle, when entrusted by clients or Chinese law firms, legal affairs of the country/region where the lawyers of the law firm are permitted to engage in lawyer's professional work;
(c) to entrust, on behalf of foreign clients, Chinese law firms to deal with the Chinese legal affairs;
(d) to enter into contracts to maintain long-term entrustment relations with Chinese law firms for legal affairs;
(e) to provide information on the impact of the Chinese legal environment. Entrustment allows the foreign representative office to directly instruct lawyers in the entrusted Chinese law firm, as agreed between both parties.
The representatives of a foreign law firm shall be practitioner lawyers who are members of the bar or law society in a WTO member and have practiced for no less than two years outside of China. The Chief representative shall be a partner or equivalent (e.g., member of a law firm of a limited liability corporation) of a law firm of a WTO member and have practiced for no less than three years.
(4)Presence of natural persons
Unbound except as indicated in Horizontal Commitments.
Limitation on national treatment
(1) Cross-border supply:None
(2) Consumption abroad:None
(3) Commercial presence
All representatives shall be resident in China no less than six months each year. The representative office shall not employ Chinese national registered lawyers outside of China.
(4)Presence of natural persons
Unbound except as indicated in Horizontal Commitments.[11]
Article Ⅻ Accession
Any State or separate customs territory possessing full autonomy in the conduct of its external commercial relations and of the other matters provided for in this Agreement and the Multilateral Trade Agreements may accede to this Agreement, on terms to be agreed between it and the WTO. Such accession shall apply to this Agreement and the Multilateral Trade Agreements annexed thereto.
由于WTO的主要成员方仍为国家,因此在WTO协定各多边贸易协定中对于成员方概念通常使用“国家”(country / countries or State)。为避免引起歧义,《WTO协定》在“解释性说明”中指出:“本协定和多边贸易协定中使用的‘国家’应理解为包括任何WTO单独关税区成员。对于WTO单独关税区成员,除非另有规定,如本协定和多边贸易协定中用‘国民’一词表述,该表述应理解为与该单独关税区有关。”
Explanatory Notes
The terms “country” or “countries” as used in this Agreement and the Multilateral Trade Agreements are to be understood to include any separate customs territory Member of the WTO.
In the case of a separate customs territory Member of the WTO, where an expression in this Agreement and the Multilateral Trade Agreements is qualified by the term “national”, such expression shall be read as pertaining to that customs territory, unless otherwise specified.
《WTO协定》的“解释性说明”指出,“国家”应理解为包括任何 WTO单独关税区成员。根据这一规定,中国、中国台北、中国香港、中国澳门在WTO多边贸易体制内是独立平等的成员关系,四方主体之间不存在隶属与领导关系,各方均有权自主参与WTO有关会议,独立作出决策,并以自身的名义享有权利并承担义务。具体来说,各方在WTO体制内的关系包含以下四个方面:(1)平等、独立的代表权,即中国和中国香港、中国澳门、中国台北的代表分别参加部长级会议、总理事会、分理事会和各委员会;(2)平等、独立的参与权和决策权,即各方在WTO规则的制定、修改和多边贸易谈判方面享有平等、独立的参与权和决策权;(3)独立的申诉权和责任承担制度,即在争端解决方面,各方拥有独立的申诉权,并实施独立的责任承担制度。对于中国与中国香港、中国澳门或中国台北之间有关多边贸易协定的争端,也属 WTO不同成员之间的争端,可通过 WTO争端解决程序解决。[16]
2003年6月29日,中国中央政府和香港特别行政区政府签署了《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement,CEPA)。2003年9月29日,双方又签订了《关于货物贸易零关税的实施》、《关于货物贸易的原产地规则》、《关于原产地证书的签发和核查程序》、《关于开放服务贸易领域的具体承诺》、《关于“服务提供者”定义及相关规定》和《关于贸易投资便利化》6个附件。2003年10月17日,中央政府和澳门特别行政区政府也签署了《内地与澳门关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》及6个附件。
从性质上说,CEPA是一国领土范围内的区域经济一体化安排,其不同于主权国家之间签订的“自由贸易协定”(Free Trade Agreement,FTA),然而,CEPA的成立基础主要是GATT和WTO相关规定,因而其又不属于国内法。但从内容和适用上来看,CEPA更接近于自由贸易协定,因此,CEPA是WTO框架下一种具有自由贸易协定性质的国内区域经济一体化安排。
Case Study
In December 2003, the Southern Shrimp Alliance (composed of shrimp industry groups from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Texas, and South Carolina) filed antidumping petitions with the Department of Commerce (DOC) and the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) alleging that imports of certain frozen and canned warm water shrimp from Brazil, China, Ecuador, India, Thailand, and Vietnam were being sold at less than fair value and were materially injuring the domestic shrimp industry. Following an affirmative determination of dumping by the DOC (with antidumping margins ranging from 1.97 percent to 82.27 percent), the ITC determined in January 2005, that the U.S. shrimp industry was materially injured by imports of non-canned shrimp and prawns from the countries listed (imports of canned warm-water shrimp and prawns were found to be negligible, thus canned products were dropped from the investigations).
Below are some preliminary determinations of China [18]
Non Market Economy Country
For purposes of initiation, the Petitioners submitted LTFV(less than fair value) analyses for the PRC as a non-market economy(NME). In accordance with section 771(18)(c)(i) of the Tariff Act of 1930(hereafter “the Act”)any determination that a foreign country is an NME country shall remain in effect until revoked by the administering authority. When the Department is investigating imports from an NME, section 773(c)(1) of the Act directs us to base the normal value on the NME producer's factors of production, valued in an economically comparable market economy that is a significant producer of comparable merchandise.
Surrogate Country
When the Department is investigating imports from an NME country, section 773(c)(1) of the Act directs it to base normal value (“NV”), in most circumstances, on the NME producer's factors of production, valued in a surrogate market-economy country or countries considered to be appropriate by the Department. In accordance with section 773(c)(4) of the Act, in valuing the factors of production, the Department shall utilize, to the extent possible, the prices or costs of factors of production in one or more market-economy countries that are at a level of economic development comparable to that of the NME country and are significant producers of comparable merchandise. The sources of the surrogate values we have used in this investigation are discussed under the NV section below. The Department determined that India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, the Phillippines, Ecuador and Egypt are countries comparable to the PRC in terms of economic development. We select an appropriate surrogate country based on the availability and reliability of data from the countries. In this case, we have found that India is a significant producer of comparable merchandise, frozen and canned warm water shrimp, and is at a similar level of economic development pursuant to 733(c)(4) of the Act. Since our issuance of the Surrogate Country Memo, we have not received comments from interested parties regarding this issue.
Separate Rates
In proceedings involving NME countries, the Department has a rebuttable presumption that all companies within the country are subject to government control and thus should be assessed a single antidumping duty rate. It is the Department's policy to assign all exporters of merchandise subject to investigation in an NME country this single rate unless an exporter can demonstrate that it is sufficiently independent so as to be entitled to a separate rate. The four mandatory respondents and the Section A respondents have provided company-specific information and each has stated that it met the standards for the assignment of a separate rate. We have considered whether each PRC company is eligible for a separate rate. The Department's separate-rate test is not concerned, in general, with macroeconomic /border-type controls, e.g., export licenses, quotas, and minimum export prices, particularly if these controls are imposed to prevent dumping. The test focuses, rather, on controls over the investment, pricing, and output decision-making process at the individual firm level. To establish whether a firm is sufficiently independent from government control of its export activities to be entitled to a separate rate, the Department analyzes each entity exporting the subject merchandise under a test arising from the Notice of Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value. In accordance with the separate-rates criteria, the Department assigns separate rates in NME cases only if respondents can demonstrate the absence of both de jure and de facto governmental control over export activities.
1. Absence of De Jure Control
The Department considers the following de jure criteria in determining whether an individual company may be granted a separate rate: (1) An absence of restrictive stipulations associated with an individual exporter's business and export licenses; (2) any legislative enactments decentralizing control of companies; and (3) other formal measures by the government decentralizing control of companies.
Our analysis shows that the evidence on the record supports a preliminary finding of de jure absence of governmental control based on the following: (1) An absence of restrictive stipulations associated with the individual exporter's business and export licenses; (2) the applicable legislative enactments decentralizing control of the companies; and (3) any other formal measures by the government decentralizing control of companies.
2. Absence of De Facto Control
Typically the Department considers four factors in evaluating whether each respondent is subject to de facto governmental control of its export functions: (1) Whether the export prices are set by or are subject to the approval of a governmental agency; (2) whether the respondent has authority to negotiate and sign contracts and other agreements; (3) whether the respondent has autonomy from the government in making decisions regarding the selection of management; and (4) whether the respondent retains the proceeds of its export sales and makes independent decisions regarding disposition of profits or financing of losses. The Department has determined that an analysis of de facto control is critical in determining whether respondents are, in fact, subject to a degree of governmental control which would preclude the Department from assigning separate rates.
We determine that, for the mandatory respondents and certain Section A respondents,the evidence on the record supports a preliminary finding of de facto absence of governmental control based on record statements and supporting documentation showing the following: (1) Each exporter sets its own export prices independent of the government and without the approval of a government authority; (2) each exporter retains the proceeds from its sales and makes independent decisions regarding disposition of profits or financing of losses; (3) each exporter has the authority to negotiate and sign contracts and other agreements; and (4) each exporter has autonomy from the government regarding the selection of management. Therefore, the evidence placed on the record of this investigation by the mandatory respondents and certain Section A respondents[19] demonstrates an absence of government control, both in law and in fact, with respect to each of the exporter's exports of the merchandise under investigation, in accordance with the criteria identified in Sparklers and Silicon Carbide[20]. As a result, for the purposes of this preliminary determination, we have granted separate, company-specific rates to the mandatory respondents and certain Section A respondents which shipped certain frozen and canned warmwater shrimp to the United States during the POI(The period of investigation).
PRC-Wide Rate
The Department has data that indicates there are more known exporters of the certain frozen and canned warmwater shrimp from the PRC during the POI that responded to our quantity and value (“Q&V”) questionnaire. Although we issued the Q&V questionnaire to nine known Chinese exporters of subject merchandise (as identified in the petition), we received 57 Q&V questionnaire responses, including those from the four mandatory respondents. Also, on January 29, 2004, we issued a Section A questionnaire to the Government of the PRC (i.e., Ministry of Commerce). Although all known exporters were given an opportunity to provide information showing they qualify for separate rates, not all of these other exporters provided a response to either the Department's Q&V questionnaire or its Section A questionnaire. Further, the Government of the PRC did not respond to the Department's questionnaire.}Therefore, the Department determines preliminarily that there were exports of the merchandise under investigation from other PRC producers/exporters, which are treated as part of the countrywide entity. Section 776(a)(2) of the Act provides that, if an interested party: (A) withholds information that has been requested by the Department; (B) fails to provide such information in a timely manner or in the form or manner requested, subject to subsections 782(c)(1) and (e) of the Act; (C) significantly impedes a determination under the antidumping statute; or (D) provides such information but the information cannot be verified, the Department shall, subject to subsection 782(d) of the Act, use facts otherwise available in reaching the applicable determination.
Pursuant to section 782(e) of the Act, the Department shall not decline to consider submitted information if all of the following requirements are met: (1) The information is submitted by the established deadline; (2) the information can be verified; (3) the information is not so incomplete that it cannot serve as a reliable basis for reaching the applicable determination; (4) the interested party has demonstrated that it acted to the best of its ability; and (5) the information can be used without undue difficulties.
Information on the record of this investigation indicates that there are numerous producers/exporters of the certain frozen and canned warmwater shrimp in the PRC. As described above, all exporters were given the opportunity to respond to the Department's questionnaire. Based upon our knowledge of the volume of imports of subject merchandise from the PRC and the fact that information indicates that the responding companies did not account for all imports into the United States from the PRC, we have preliminary determined that certain PRC exporters of certain frozen and canned warmwater shrimp failed to respond to our questionnaires. As a result, use of adverse facts available (“AFA”) pursuant to section 776(a)(2)(A) of the Act is appropriate. Additionally, in this case, the Government of the PRC did not respond to the Department's questionnaire, thereby necessitating the use of AFA to determine the PRC-wide rate.
Section 776(b) of the Act provides that, in selecting from among the facts available, the Department may employ adverse inferences if an interested party fails to cooperate by not acting to the best of its ability to comply with requests for information. We find that, because the PRC-wide entity and certain producers/ exporters did not respond at all to our request for information, they have failed to cooperate to the best of their ability. Therefore, the Department preliminarily finds that, in selecting from among the facts available, an adverse inference is appropriate.
In accordance with our standard practice, as AFA, we have assigned the PRC-wide entity the higher of the highest margin stated in the notice of initiation (i.e., the recalculated petition margin) or the highest margin calculated for any respondent in this investigation. In this case, we have applied a rate of 112.81 percent, the highest rate calculated in the Initiation Notice of the investigation from information provided in the petition.
1. What did the PRC exporters do with the requests for information? How should they do with in the anti-dumping procedures?
2. What's your opinion about the Non-Market-Economy status of china in the “Accession of The People's Republic of China”?
[1] 详见http://www.WTO.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/dispu_by_country_e.htm,2012年2月17日访问。
[2] Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China, Article 3.
[3] Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China, Article 2(C).
[4] 曾令良:《中国加入WTO及其司法审查制度的完善》,载《武汉大学学报》(社会科学版),2001(3)。
[5] Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China, Article 2 (D).
[6] 曾令良:《中国特定产品过渡性保障机制的有效性与合理性问题》,载《法学评论》,2005(5)。
[7] \[美\]布鲁斯·E·克拉伯:《美国对外贸易法和海关法》(上),蒋兆康等译,北京,法律出版社,2000,第758~759页。转引自曾令良:《中国特定产品过渡性保障机制的有效性与合理性问题》,载《法学评论》,2005(5)。
[8] Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China, Article 16.
[9] Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China, Article 15.
[10] 张桂红:《WTO对中国法律的影响》,载《中国法学》,2001(4)。
[11] Schedule CLⅡ-The People's Republic of China, WT/ACC/CHN/49/Add.2, 1 October 2001.
[12] “中国台北”是“台湾、澎湖、金门、马祖单独关税区”的简称。
[13] 1997年7月1日中国对香港恢复行使主权后,香港在WTO中更名为“中国香港”。
[14] 1999年12月20日中国对澳门恢复行使主权后,澳门在WTO中更名为“中国澳门”。
[15] 曾令良:《世界贸易组织法》,武汉,武汉大学出版社,1996,第68~71页。
[16] 曾华群:《略论WTO体制的“一国四席”》,载《厦门大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),2002 (5)。
[17] 由于香港是自由港,对来自其他国家和地区的产品和服务既没有关税和非关税限制,也没有反补贴、反倾销、保障措施等贸易救济措施。在这种情况下,如果不能有效识别原产于香港或澳门的产品,就会使来自其他成员的货物和服务通过香港直达内地,损害相关产业的利益。因此,原产地规则是CEPA的一个重点规范内容。
[18] Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 136 / Friday, July 16, 2004/Notices, pp.42660-42662. available at: http://www.usitc.gov/trade_remedy/731_ad_701_cvd/investigations/2004/shrimp/prelimphase.htm.
[19] For a full discussion of this issue and list of Section A respondents, please see the Separate-Rates Memo. Section A Respondents: on February 23, 2003, the Department selected its mandatory respondents. On February 25, 2004, the Department sent Section A questionnaires to the Respondents. On March 8, 2004, the Department received a request from companies who wished to submit voluntary Section A questionnaires responses (hereafter known as Section A Respondents).
[20] Sparklers from the People's Republic of China, 56 FR 20588 (May 6, 1991) (“Sparklers”);Silicon Carbide from the People's Republic of China, 59 FR 22585 (May 2,1994) (“Silicon Carbide”).