第二节 武术的特点与作用

Section 2 The Characteristics and Functions of Wushu

一、武术的特点 Wushu's Characteristics

(一)技击特点 Characteristics of Attack and Defence


The essence of Wushu is the attacking and defending nature of the movement.The skills come from real combating.This character and nature distinguishes Wushu from other sports.For example,both Sanda and Duanbing reflect the attacking and defending nature of Wushu.According to the sports competition rules that the principle is to avoid hurting the opponent in Wushu competition.


The combating nature enables Wushu to form a complete skill system of its own.Taolu(series of skills) as a special form of Chinese Wushu, includes different forms and styles,but all the forms are in common in terms of the movements for attacking and defending,such as Ti(kick),Da(hit),Shuai(wrestle),Na(hold),Ji(beat),Ci(thrust)and Pi(hack) etc..


The core of Taolu skill is to demonstrate the meaning and spirit of attacking and defending.With the development of Wushu skills that the combating function of Wushu Taolu has been weakened,but the combat nature of Wushu will still exist in the long run as the most significant feature of Wushu skills.

(二)和谐统一、形神兼备的运动特点 Harmonious and Integral,Physical and Spritiual—Characteristics of Wushu


The ultimate value of traditional Chinese culture lies in harmony and unity.Chinese Wushu emphasizes both standardized movements and the unity of body and spirit.


The harmony of body and spirit is a common requirement of various types and schools of Chinese Wushu.The theories of“three inner unities” and“three external unities” have been mentioned in different types and styles of Wushu.The“inner” refers to the circulation of spirit,consciousness and breath;the“external”means movements of hands, eyes,steps etc..


All Quans and Taolu require the harmony and unity of spirit and body movements.It reflects the fact that Wushu has been affected by ancient Chinese philosophy,medicine and esthetics during its long-term of development.The unity of body and spirit is not only an issue of skills, but also the reflection of traditional Chinese culture in the form of Wushu.

(三)内容丰富多彩、兼容并蓄的特点 The Rich and Inclusive Content


Wushu has colorful with various contents and practice forms.Different types of Wushu have different practice methods,movement structures,skill requirements,styles and exercise load.They are suitable respectively for people of different age,gender,profession and health condition,and they are optional according to individual condition and interest.Besides,Wushu is not restricted by time,season and facilities, which is the advantageous condition for the mass of people to practice Wushu.