第八节 翻子拳 Section 8 Fanzi Quan

一、翻子拳概说 Brief Introduction of Fanzi Quan


Fanzi Quan is an excellent sort of Quan in Chinese Wushu.It was called“Bashan-fan”in Ming Dynasty,then“Fanzi Quan”or“Fanzi”.It is the face to face fighting.“Shan”means fast like thunder and lightening.“Fan”means continuity and ceaseless.Fanzi Quan has a long history.In Ming Dynasty Qi Jiguang praised this style of kungfu in his book“Jixiao xinshu,Quanjing Jieyao pian”that“It is excellent among the good.”He quoted movements from Fanzi Quan in his 32 postures and some even are popular now.For instance.Such as“Dangtoupao”、“Aoluanzhou”、“Qigushi”etc..Fanzi Quan is also called“8 Shan and 12 Fan”.which is from 8 Shan and 12 Duan from“Jixiao xinshu,Quanjing Jieyao pian”written by Qi Jiguang.According to modern Fanzi Quan masters,the name shall be Bashanfan.But the postures are all“Qigushi” which is the symbol of Fanzi Quan.It was mostly popular in Gaoyang,Hebei,then it spread into northeast China in late Qing Dynasty.It is popular now in Hebei,Liaoning,Gansu,Shanxi.