四、太极拳技法特点Characteristics of Taiji Quan Techniques

(一)虚灵顶劲 Empty Butting Force


The empty butting force is “pull head up straight with one's intention,as if the hair were hanging up to the ceiling”.The head shall be upright,then the top of the head shall be flat,next the nape shall be straight,and the mandible shall be withdrawn.The butting force cannot be too strong,but shall be natural and empty.Only keeping mind empty that the spirit can be raised and movements can be stable and strong.

(二)气沉丹田 Gathering Qi into Dantian


Requires the upright body techniques with wide chest and the solid abdomen.“Filling mind into Dantian”means the consciousness shall guide the breath,gently send Qi to be under the navel of abdomen.During the movement,Taiji generally adopts the abdomen breath.And“filling mind into Dantian”,so as to achieve the circumstances of“moving body,quiet heart,constricting breath,and extending spirit”.Abdomen-style breathing is adopted to deepen and prolong the breath which shall be natural,equable,slow and coordinated with the movements.Forcibleness shall be prevented and the whole set of movements,including opening,closing,bending,stretching,rising,falling,forwarding,re-treating,feinted moving,intended moving etc.,shall be in good and natural coordination with breathing.Generally speaking,the breathing is always naturally in coordination with the pumping of the chest and the movement of the blade bones.The completion of a movement is usually accompanied with a round of breathing instead of inhaling or exhaling only.Such a good command and application of this breathing method as in natural coordination with movements is necessary to make the movement coordinative,flexible,agile,light and steady.

(三)含胸拔背 Relaxing the Chest and Drawing the Back


The chest relaxing means that the chest is slightly and internally relaxed to make the chest have the comfortable feeling.Thus being favor of making the abdomen breath.When the shoulder is relaxed and the rib is drawn that the thoracic cavity will be relaxed and extending.It can not only drop the center of gravity ,but also can strengthen activities of lungs and the diaphragm.The back drawing and chest relaxing are mutually connected.The back drawing means that when relaxing the chest,the muscles on the back shall be relaxed and dropped down.The third vertebra shall rise and draw upwards and backwards which can't simply pull backwards.Thus stretching the back muscles for the tension and elasticity,so that the skin will have the tighten feeling.The muscles of the chest and the back shall be relax and natural without the deliberate pretense.

(四)松腰敛臀 Relaxing the Waist and Drawing the Butt


Taiji Quan requires the chest closing and breath dropping.The waist relaxing not only helps dropping the breath and fixing the lower limbs,but also plays a leading role in the forwards and backwards stepping and rotation,movements of limbs,as well as the completion of movements.The butt drawing means to draw in the butt after relaxing chest,drawing back and relaxing waist.When drawing the butt,you shall try to relax muscles of the butt and waist,extend the muscles,and then draw in like the butt is supporting the abdomen.

(五)圆裆松胯 Drawing in the Crotch in a Circle and Relaxing the Hipbone


The crotch is the perineum part which is corresponding to the“empty butting force”on the head up and down.It is the exercising method on maintaining the straight body forms straight and smooth breath.The hipbones shall be opened, then the two knees shall slightly point inwards,and the crotch shall be in a circle.Rise the crotch and it shall be solid.Relax the waist,draw in the butt and it shall bring force to the crotch.Taiji Quan pays attention to“making steps like a cat” which requires the light,flexible and stable step techniques.Two legs shall be bent and shall support the body in turns.The hip shall be relaxed and knees shall be flexible so as to guarantee the free rotation of upper body and flexible kicking and changing steps.

(六)沉肩坠肘 Dropping the Shoulders and Dropping the Elbows


After relaxing the shoulders that shoulders and elbows shall be dropped.The dropping of shoulders and elbows will bring a heavy inner force which is the inner force of upper limbs.Besides dropping,the shoulders shall also be closing forwards which makes the chest empty and the back roll in a circle.Besides dropping,the elbows shall also be inward so that the force can go up to the arms when dropping the shoulders.

(七)舒指坐腕 Extending Fingers and Sitting Wrists


The finger extending means that fingers are extended naturally.The wrist sitting means that the wrists bend towards the back of hands and Hukou naturally.The movements of palms are the part of movements of the body,and many palm techniques are connected with movements of the body.The finger extending and wrist sitting drive the force from feet and legs to the fingers and to complete it.

(八)尾闾中正 Keeping the Coccygeal Vertebrae Straight


It keeps the posture of body straight,relax and supporting.Taiji Quan emphasizes on it.The coccygeal vertebrae shall always be straight in any movement posture.Moreover,keeping coccygeal vertebrae straight affects stableness of the lower limbs.If one can fulfill the above-mentioned seven instructions integrally with this one,the force of body,upper limbs,lower limbs will be perfectly integrated.

(九)内宜鼓**,外示安逸 Exciting Inside and Calm Outside


The spirit shall be exciting and energetic.But the excitement shall be inside and the outside shall be calm and relax.

(十)运动如抽丝,迈步如猫行 Movements like Drawing Silk,Stepping like Cat Walk


The movements of Taiji Quan shall be slow,smooth,stable,and quiet like drawing silk.Stepping shall be light as a cat.Taiji Quan shall be quiet,and quietness is the characteristics of Taiji.The prime requirement of Taiji is that the mind shall be quiet and pure without any distraction and shall focus on movements.Only the heart is quiet,the movements can be quiet like drawing silk and“using mind not force”.Taiji Quan pays attention to using the“consciousness to guide movements.”It is a“will”sport.“Being slow to express the will”,the will can be expressed only being slow.Taiji Quan also requires the speed to be even and smooth like drawing silk and stepping like cat walk.