Part Ⅲ Workplace Practice

Ⅰ. Complete the following dialogue.

A: Good morning, Toy Show __________(秘书处). How may I help you?

B: Yes. This is Laura Chen from ICI Co.. I'm very interested in your exhibition and would like to __________(参观最近的展会).

A: Thank you, Ms. Chen. You may apply as __________(专业观众).

B: Alright. How?

A: Please __________(网上注册). The website is

B:, I see.

A: Please fill in the blanks. __________.(带*必填。)

B: OK.

A: If finished,__________(点击“注册”). Then we'll check your information, and we'll send you __________(邀请函) once your application is accepted.

B: Thank you.

A: __________(如需进一步了解), please call 800-12345678. We can answer specific questions 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Ⅱ. Translate the following dialogue into English.

A: 早上好,服务中心,丹尼斯。有什么可以为您效劳?

B: 早上好。我需要把展品运回去。你们是否可以推荐一些货运公司?

A: 好的,您手边有没有一本《参展手册》呢?

B: 有。

A: 请翻到最后一页。您有没有看到一个名单叫“指定货运公司”?

B: 啊,明白了。

A: 这些都是很可靠的货运公司。VBW公司有二十多年经验,在名单上居首位。XARY公司比较新,3年前才成立的,可它提供的价格很合理,所以也是不错的选择。

B: 我马上去联系他们。非常感谢,您帮了我的大忙。

Ⅲ. Make a short speech (3 minutes).

Suppose you are making exhibiting arrangements. What do you think is important when exhibiting at a trade fair? Please make a short speech about it.

Ⅳ. Make a workplace interpretation (3 minutes).

A: 早上好,GD酒店,会议服务中心。我是Iris,有什么可以为你效劳吗?

B: This is Jason Brown from Max Company; I'd like to reserve a convention hall in your hotel.

A: 好的。你想要订多大的会议室呢?

B: For about one hundred and fifty people. We're holding a press conference from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, and a cocktail party form 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm.

A: 新闻发布会,你想要哪种座位安排呢?

B: Theatre style, please.

A: 好的。请问你想订在哪一天?什么时候?

B: Our plan is one Sunday in November. What's your suggestion ?

A: 请稍后,史密斯先生。我来查一下预订记录。……让你久等了,11月下旬可以吗?就是说11月16日或23日。

B: Nov.23rd, please. What facilities do you offer with the room?

A: 包括3个有线话筒、1台配有屏幕的液晶投影机,还有手提电脑接口和无线网络。

B: Great! That will do. What is the charge of the convention room?

A: 我们有两间会议室供你选择:一间是150平方米,每天1980美元;另一间是200平方米,每天2480美元。后者比较豪华、宽敞。你想要哪一间?

B: The latter one, please. Does the rate include the furniture?

A: 包括的。你要不要用信用卡来做担保预订呢?

B: Alright. Do you accept American Express?

A: 接受。请问号码是多少?

B: It's 8686-8686-1234.

A: 8686-8686-1234.

B: Exactly.

A: A16088,谢谢。我重复一下你的预订:杰森·布朗先生订的会议室,每晚2480美元,时间是11月23日星期天,下午5:00至9:30。是这样吗?

B: Yes.

A: 我的名字是爱瑞丝·萨娜。如果有什么我能效劳的请告诉我。感谢你的来电,我们期待为你服务。