Part Ⅲ Workplace Practice

Ⅰ. Complete the following dialogue.

Mr.Wang: The sales meeting will be held the day after tomorrow. __________?(你已通知所有的参会者了吗?)

Miss Liu: Yes, I've given them all an informal notice of the meeting, either by telephone or by memo. __________. (他们都确认会参加。)

Mr.Wang: Good! __________? (会议室准备好了吗?)

Miss Liu: Yes, I've put the minute book and some paper copies of the agenda on the table.

Mr.Wang: __________? (麦克风和扬声器准备得怎么样了?)

Miss Liu: I've got them ready.

Mr.Wang: Thank you. How about the projector? __________. (我们做演示时需要用到。)

Miss Liu: There is something wrong with the projector in the conference room.__________.(但是不用担心。我已经请人明天来修了。)It would be OK before the meeting.

Mr.Wang: You've done a good job. In addition, you'll have to take the minutes for this meeting.

Miss Liu: But I'm not quite experienced in taking minutes.__________?(您能告诉我一些技巧吗?)

Mr.Wang: I'd be happy to.__________. (首先,你要全神贯注。)Of course, you must be accurate as well.

Miss Liu: __________? (我要写下人们说的每个字吗?)

Mr.Wang: No, you needn't.__________. (你只要记下讨论的每个话题的主要观点和会议所作的决定就行了。)

Miss Liu: I see. Thank you, Mr.Wang.

Mr.Wang: Don't mention it.

Ⅱ. Translate the following dialogue into English.












Ⅲ. Make a short speech (3 minutes).

Suppose you are a chairperson. You are chairing a sales meeting. Please make a short speech about it.

Ⅳ. Make a workplace interpretation (3 minutes).

A: Hi, Amy. I'm calling to inform you that there will be a meeting this Wednesday morning.

B: 星期三上午?我已约好与一个重要客户见面。能不能改时间开会呢?

A: I think that's impossible. All the departmental managers will be attending the meeting.

B: 会议的具体时间是几点?我先查一下我的日程安排。哦,我跟客户约见时间是11点。如果会议在两个小时内结束,我就能参加。

A: It starts at 9 o'clock. The meeting will last only one and a half hours. There's no difficulty for you to make it.

B: 好的。那么会议地点定在哪里呢?

A: The Conference Room on the 4th Floor.

B: 会议的主题是什么?

A: It's about the sales promotion plan of our new products.

B: 我需要做什么准备吗?

A: You'd better have the preliminary plan in mind.

B: 好的。我会准备的。谢谢你,玛丽。

A: You are welcome.