第一节 问题与文献
从文献看,规范或常规科学(normal science)与革命(scientific revolution)这对范畴未必是T.库恩第一个提出的,但却是库恩得以系统阐发的,并因而成为当代思想界的重要范畴。
自孔德起,实证主义就十分注重科学规范问题。马赫思想的目的就是追求“统一科学”的,而逻辑经验主义则着力论证了“可证实性”(verifiability)或“可检验性”(testability)等十分重要的科学范畴,并引发了学界对科学理论与世界之间的“符合论”(correspondence theory)以及科学理论内部的“贯通论”(Holism)等范畴的讨论。
关于科学规范(Scientific Norms)研究的重要文献主要是围绕R.墨顿命题展开的。N.斯戴尔(Nico Stehr)在《科学精神的修正在于区分科学的社会规范与认知规范》[1]中指出,应该在科学的社会规范和科学的认知规范之间做出区分,但这种区分可以导致诸多问题[2]。B.麦克法兰(Bruce Macfarlane)等人撰写的《公共性、普遍性和无私利性:重新审视墨顿科学规范的当代支持问题》[3]主要论述了墨顿的科学规范在当代条件下的各种歧义及其修正方案。A.M.范登(Andrea M.Verdan)等人撰写的《科学规范和伦理失范》[4]主要讨论化学专业的研究生如何看待本专业的规范价值问题以及同学、教师和研究人员对传统价值的挑战。S.施贝雅玛(Sotaro Shibayama)在《企业精神和开放的科学之间的冲突以及科学规范的转换》[5]主要论述了大学中的科学家参与商业活动(university scientists have increasingly engaged in commercial activities)、大学与产业合作(university-industry relationships)、技术转让(technology transfers)等对墨顿科学规范的消解与重建。但也有人提出不同的观点,认为墨顿的科学规范依然有效,如M.S.安德森(Melissa S.Anderson)等人在《墨顿科学规范的延展:科学家对研究规范的信守》[6]认为,相对于“反规范”(counternorms)而言,科学家在重大决策中依然信守墨顿的科学规范。D.I.阿娜勒(Douglas I.Anele)的《科学规范冲突中的优先选择之争》[7]也持有类似的观点。
科学革命范畴并非起自库恩对逻辑经验主义的“反叛”,而是源于近代思想对古代科学传统的质疑。对古代科学规范提出质疑并将“革命”作为一个理论范畴进行论证的,当属哥白尼,因为正是哥白尼所撰写的惊世名著《天体运行论》的原名应为“关于天体运行的革命性理解”(拉丁文:De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium;英文:On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres)。也有学者直接称其为“论革命”。[8]
但并非所有的思想家都认为科学革命是对中古时代亚里斯多德传统的否定,惠威尔(William Whewell)的在1837年写作《归纳科学史》(History of the Inductive Sciences from the Earliest to the Present Times )和1840年的《基于归纳科学及其历史的哲学》(The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences Founded upon Their History )就论证了中世纪有许多科学成就。沿着这条道路开进的还有马赫(Ernest Mach),他在1883年写成了《力学及其发展的批判历史概论》(Die Mechanik in ihrer Entwicklung ),皮埃尔·迪昂(Pirre-Maurice-Marie Duhem)在1908年写成的《拯救现象:从柏拉图到伽利略的物理学观念》(Sozein ta phainomena.Essai sur la Notion de Théorie physique de Platon à Galilée )等。据说,迪昂曾花费十余年的时间(1902~1914)系统地整理了中世纪的科学理论及其科学思想,达15卷之多。[9]
20世纪60年代,T.库恩完成了《科学革命的结构》(The Structure of Scientific Revolution ),重新讨论了规范与革命之间的复杂关系,从而使规范与革命问题成为科学哲学的重要范畴。除了《科学革命的结构》外,一大批研究库恩的著述值得格外关注,如T.尼克斯(Thomas Nickles)编辑的《托马斯·库恩》(Thomas Kuhn,edited by Thomas Nickles,Cambridge,U.K.,New York:Cambridge University Press,2003)[10]。
S.富勒(Steve Fuller)撰写的《库恩撰写了我们时代的哲学史》(Thomas Kuhn:A Philosophical History For Our Times ,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,2000)也提出了一些重要的观念或问题,如“对柏拉图的回顾”(The Pilgrimage from Plato),“对科学精神的执着”(Struggled for the Soul of Science),“将社会科学从激进的未来幻想拯救出来”(Saved Social Science from a Radical Future),“科学综合研究秘史”(The Hidden History of Science Studies),等等。
A.伯德(Alexander Bird)的《托马斯·库恩》(Thomas Kuhn ,Chesham:Acumen,2000)重新阐述了库恩本人及其后人的基本范畴,如“常规科学和革命时期的科学”(Normal and Revolutionary Science),“范式”(Paradigms),“感觉和世界观转变”(Perception and World Change),“不可比性和意义”(Incommensurability and Meaning),“进步和相对主义”(Progress and Relativism),等等。
J.A.马库姆撰写的《库恩论科学革命:一种历史的科学哲学》(Thomas Kuhn’s Revolution:A Historical Philosophy of Science ,London;New York:Continuum,c2005)提出了这样一些问题:究竟会谁是库恩?(Who is Thomas Kuhn?)“库恩是怎样写的科学革命的结构?”(How does Kuhn Arrive at Structure?)“科学革命的结构究竟说了些什么?”(What is the Structure of Scientific Revolutions?)“为什么库恩要修改他的观点?”(Why does Kuhn Revise Structure?)“库恩写完科学革命的结构又做了些什么?”(What is Kuhn up to after Structure?)“库恩究竟留下了什么遗产?”(What is Kuhn’s Legacy?)对于这些问题,马库姆认为问题的关键在于有必要重新审视库恩本人的思想经历和人格特点。[11]
S.伽梯(Stefano Gattei)的《库恩的“语言转向”和逻辑经验主义遗产:不可比性、理性和对真理的追求》(Thomas Kuhn’s “Linguistic Turn” and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism:Incommensurability,Rationality and the Search for Truth ,England;Burlington,VT:Ashgate,c2008)[12]通过逻辑经验主义来比较库恩和波普尔的思想,认为库恩思想比我们想象的更接近逻辑经验主义,而波普尔则更致力于反对整个西方哲学传统的基础主义。
在科学革命问题上,B.S.贝格里厄(Brian S.Baigrie)的《科学革命的历史文本》(Scientific Revolutions:Primary Texts in the History of Science,N.J.:Pearson Prentice Hall,c2004)提供了从古希腊一直到现当代重要思想家的各种文献,堪称经典。[13]如果说B.S.贝格里厄的“科学革命”是以公开发表的经典著述见长,那么M.亨特(Michael Hunter)的相关著述《科学革命的档案:17世纪科学思想的形成于交流》(Archives of the Scientific Revolution:the Formation and Exchange of Ideas in Seventeenth-century Europe )则更强调各种未公开发行的文本。[14]
S.拉宾(Sheila J.Rabin)的《科学革命》(Scientific Revolution,New York,Oxford University Press,2010)篇幅不大,但却论及各个极其重要的范畴和问题,如“科学革命的编史学”(Historiography of Revolutions in Science),科学革命所涉及的“社会问题”(Social Issues),“女人与性别”(Women and Gender),“研究活动的地位”(Places of Study and Activity),“实验”(Experiment),“科学革命的哲学基础”(Philosophical Foundations),“具体学科”(Disciplines),“对科学的崇拜”(Occult Sciences),“宗教”(Religion),“文学和艺术”(Literature and the Arts)等。
R.雅各布(James R.Jacob)的《科学革命:愿景与成就》(The Scientific Revolution:Aspirations and Achievements,1500~1700,New York:Humanities Press,1999)认为科学革命主要解决了六个问题:第一,“抛弃了古希腊那个以地球为中心的优先世界图景,代之以以太阳为中心的无限宇宙观”(the abandonment of an ancient Greek picture of a finite,earth-centered universe & its replacement by the modern picture of a solar system surrounded by an infinite universe);第二,“逐步否定了亚里斯多德的二元物理学以利于万有引力的现代物理学”(the gradual rejection of the Aristotelian binary physics in favor of the modern physics of universal forces);第三,“以血液循环的发现为顶点的医学革命以及奠基于新基础的动物及人类的生理学”(a medical revolution that culminated in the discovery of the circulation of the blood & put animal (& human)physiology on a new foundation);第四,“从亚里斯多德的知识论转向现代怀疑论”(the shift from an Aristotelian theory of knowledge to a modern skepticism);第五,“开发确立科学确定性的新方法”(the development of new methods for establishing scientific certainty);第六,“奠定世界第一个理性的、政府资助的科学组织以促进科学研究、传播科学知识和探索发现”(the founding of the world’s first national,government-sponsored scientific societies for promoting research,spreading scientific knowledge,& stimulating inquiry)。
H.科恩(H.Floris Cohen)编辑的《科学革命的编史学考察》(The Scientific Revolution:A Historiographical Inquiry ,Chicago,University of Chicago Press,c1994)在500多页的篇幅中论述了“科学革命”的各种问题:第一部分“科学革命本质的定义”(Defining the Nature of the Scientific Revolution),有如下几章:“总有新的自然观”(Almost a New Nature),“伟大的传统”(The Great Tradition);“宏大社会背景中的新科学”(The New Science in Wider Setting)。第二部分“寻求科学革命的原因”(The Search for Causes of the Scientific Revolution),有如下几章:“从早期西方自然观看近代科学的出现”(The Emergence of Early Modern Science from Previous Western Thought on Nature);“近代科学的诞生源自西欧历史的多种事件”(The Emergence of Early Modern Science from Events in the History of Western Europe);“近代科学的诞生为什么没有出现在欧洲以外的其他地方”(The Non-emergence of Early Modern Science Outside Western Europe)。第三部分“概述与总结”(Summary and Conclusions),主要有如下几章:“半个世纪的科学革命观念”(The Scientific Revolution:Fifty Years in the Life of a Concept);“科学革命的结构”(The Structure of the Scientific Revolution)等内容。[15]
此外还有一些著述值得关注,如曾得到库恩首肯的《重建科学革命:托马斯·库恩的科学哲学》(Reconstructing Scientific Revolutions:Thomas S.Kuhn’s Philosophy of Science ,by Paul Hoyningen-Huene,translated by Alexander T.Levine;with a foreword by Thomas S.Kuhn,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1993);著名科学哲学家I.哈金(Ian Hacking)编辑的《科学革命》(Scientific Revolutions ,New York,Oxford University Press,1981);G.福伦登特尔(Gideon Freudenthal)撰写的《科学革命的社会经济根源》(The Social and Economic Roots of the Scientific Revolution ,Dordrecht:Springer,2009);C.贝克(Christopher Baker)编辑的《绝对主义与科学革命:从1600年到1720年》(Absolutism and the Scientific Revolution,1600-1720:A Biographical Dictionary,Santa Barbara,Calif.:Greenwood Press,2002)。
[1] The Ethos of Science Revisited:Social and Cognitive Norms .Sociological Inquiry ,Jun 1978,Vol.48,Issue 3/4:172-196.
[2] 这些问题主要如下:(1)the extent to which the norms of science are peculiar to science;(2)the actual conduct of scientists in various organizational and historical contexts and the extent to which their conduct is governed by the norms of science;(3)the “morality”of the moral imperatives of science;and (4) the relation between the scientific ethos and the development of scientific knowledge.Merton’s formulation obviously contains a number of pre-suppositions,many of them noted later by critics.Merton assumed a particular historiography of science and a particular theory of the institutional setting of scientific practice.
[3] “Communism,Universalism and Disinterestedness:Re-examining Contemporary Support among Academics for Merton’s Scientific Norms”,Journal of Academic Ethics,Mar 2008,Vol.6,Issue 1:67-78.
[4] Scientific Norms and Ethical Misconduct:Research towards the Design of a Course in Scientific Ethics,Chemistry Education Research and Practice,v11 n2,2010:118-123.
[5] “Conflict between Entrepreneurship and Open Science,and the Transition of Scientific Norms”,Journal of Technology Transfer ,August 2012,v.37,iss.4:508-531.
[6] “Extending the Mertonian Norms:Scientists’ Subscription to Norms of Research”,Journal of Higher Education ,v81,n3,May-Jun 2010:366-393.
[7] “Priority Disputes in Science in the Context of Conflicting Norms:The Case of Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz Revisited”,Philosophy Study ,Oct2011,Vol.1,Issue 5:311-326.
[8] 其实,英文“revolution”或拉丁文的“revolutionibus”是一个双关语,既有按规则运行之意,也有革命或演化之意。See On the revolutions by Nicholas Copernicus edited by Jerzy Dobrzycki;translation and commentary by Edward Rosen,Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1978.
[9] See A History of Natural Philosophy:From the Ancient World to the Nineteenth Century ,Edward Grant.Cambridge;New York:Cambridge University Press,2007.
[10] 该著包含许多学界名流对库恩的品评,除了T.尼克斯的导言(Introduction)外,主要章节如下:1.Kuhn and logical empiricism,Michael Friedman 2.Thomas Kuhn and French philosophy of science,Gary Gutting 3.Normal science and dogmatism, paradigms and progress: Kuhn ‘versus’ Popper and Lakatos,John Worrall 4.Kuhn’s philosophy of science practice,Joseph Rouse 5.Thomas Kuhn and the problem of social order in science,Barry Barnes 6.Normal science: from logic to case-based and model-based reasoning,Thomas Nickles 7.Kuhn, conceptual change, and cognitive science,Nancy J. Nersessian 8.Kuhn on concepts and categorization Peter Barker, Xiang Chen and Hanne Andersen 9.Kuhn’s world changes,Richard E. Grandy 10.Does The Structure of Scientific Revolutions permit a feminist revolution in science? Helen Longino.
[11] At the heart of the answers to these questions is the person of Kuhn himself,i.e.,his personality,his pedagogical style,his institutional and social commitments,and the intellectual and social context in which he practiced his trade.In a developmental approach to Kuhn’s ideas,Marcum maps the unfolding of Kuhn’s ideas over four decades.Drawing on the rich archival sources at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),and engaging fully with current scholarship on Kuhn,Marcum’s is the first book to show in detail how Kuhn’s influence transcended the boundaries of the history and philosophy of science community to reach many others-sociologists,economists,theologians,political scientists,educators,and even policy-makers and politicians.—BOOK JACKET.
[12] 该著主要内容如下:1.Two Revolutions in Twentieth-Century Philosophy of Science—The Idol of Certainty—Karl Popper,“Boundary” Philosopher between Neopositivists and New Philosophers of Science—The American Adventure of Logical Positivism—The Revolt against Empiricism—2.Kuhn and the “New Philosophy of Science”—The Early Phase of the Debate—London 1965:Kuhn versus Popper—3.Incommensurability—Different Ways of Understanding Incommensurability—Some Precedents—Paul K.Feyerabend and Thomas S.Kuhn—The Critics—Feyerabend and the Return to Ontological Issues—4.Kuhn’s “Linguistic Turn”—From Paradigms to Lexicons—The Linguistic Theory of Scientific Revolutions—Open Issues—5.The Shadow of Positivism—Carnap and Kuhn—Truth—Kuhn and Popper:Clashing Metaphysics—Kuhn and the Legacy of Logical Positivism.
[13] 1.Causation and Movement,Aristotle;2.Saving the Appearances,Ptolemy;3.On The Nature of Things,Lucretius;4.The Copernican Revolution,Nicholas Copernicus;5.The Surgical Art,Andreas Vesalius;6.The Philosopher’s Stone,Paracelsus;7.The Mutable Heavens,Tycho Brahe;8.A Guide to the Interpretation of Nature,Francis Bacon;9.The Sun of the Microcosm,William Harvey;10.Naturally Accelerated Motion,Galileo Galilei;11.Causes of Motion,RenDescartes;12.A New Theater of Nature,Robert Hooke;13.Mechanical Chemistry,Robert Boyle;14.Human Reproduction,Antoni van Leeuwenhoek;15.Newton’s Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy,Isaac Newton;16.The Sexual System,Carl von Linnaeus;17.The Principle of Fire,Joseph Priestley;18.The Elements of Chemistry,Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier;19.The Construction of the Heavens,William Herschel;20.A Portrait of Caroline Herschel,Maria Mitchell;21.The Gravitational Constant,Henry Cavendish;22.The Artificial Electric Organ,Alessandro Volta;23.The World Machine,James Hutton;24.Directed Variation,Jean Baptiste Lamarck;25.The Chemical Atom,John Dalton;26.Distinguishing an Atom from a Molecule,Amedeo Avogadro;27.Geology and Genesis,Georges Cuvier;28.The Electromagnetic Effect, Hans Christian Oersted;29.Deep Geological Time,Charles Lyell;30.Taking the Measure of Electricity, Michael Faraday; 31.Lines of Force, Michael Faraday;32.The Cell Theory, Theodor Schwann;33.The Survival of the Fittest,Charles Darwin;34.The Foundations of Genetics, Gregor Mendel;35.Theory of Pangenes, Charles Darwin;36.Experimental Physics as a University Subject, James Clerk Maxwell;37.Playing Patience with the Elements,Dmitri Ivanovitch Mendel?ev;38.Shadow Pictures, Wilhelm Conrad Rüntgen;39.Martian Engineers, Percival Lowell;40.The Death of the Atom, Joseph John Thomson;41.The Discovery of Radium,Eve Curie;42.The Mutation Theory, Hugo De Vries;43.What Is the Theory of Relativity? Albert Einstein;44.The New Alchemy, Ernest Rutherford;45.What Is Life? Erwin Schrüdinger.
[14] 主要内容有:1.Introduction /Michael Hunter—2.Celebration and Conservation:the Galilean Collection of the National Library of Florence /Massimo Bucciantini—3.Archive Refractions:Hartlib’s Papers and the Workings of an Intelligencer /Mark Greengrass—4.Between Erudition and Science:the Archive and Correspondence Network of Ismael Bouillau /Robert A.Hatch—5.Ireland as a Laboratory:the Archive of Sir William Petty /Frances Harris—6.The Archives of Christiaan Huygens and his Editors /Joella Yoder—7.The Archive and Consulti of Marcello Malpighi:Some Preliminary Reflections /Domenico Bertoloni Meli—8.Mapping the Mind of Robert Boyle:the Evidence of the Boyle Papers /Michael Hunter—9.A “connected system”?The Snare of a Beautiful Hand and the Unity of Newton’s Archive /Rob Iliffe—10.“A chaos of jottings that I do not have the leisure to arrange and mark with headings”:Leibniz’s Manuscript Papers and their Repository /James G.O’Hara.11.Of Records and Grandeur:the Archive of the Royal Society /Mordechai Feingold—12.Image versus Reality:the Archives of the French Academie des Sciences /Christiane Demeulenaere-Douyere and David Sturdy.
[15] 具体章节如下:1.Almost a New Nature Part one DEFINING THE NATURE OF THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION 2.The Great Tradition:2.1 ‘scientific revolution’ and the scientific revolution;2.2 First Approaches to Understanding the Birth of Early Modern Science;2.2.1.Kan’s revolution in mode of early modern science;2.2.2.Beginning to Learn from the past of science: William Whewell;2.2.3.The Positivist Picture of the Birth of Early Modern Science as Exemplified by Ernst Mach;2.2.4.The Duhem Thesis;2.3.Shaping the Concept of the Scientific Revolution;2.3.1reviewing the sources: Anneliese Maier;2.3.2.Dijksterhuis and the Mathematization of Nature;2.3.3.’from the world of the ‘more-or-less’ to the universe of precision’: Koyres Conception of the Scientific Revolution;2.3.4.Burtt and the Mathematization of Nature;2.4 .The Concept Widens;2.4.1.the great four: views compared and views exchanged;2.4.2.New Problems and a New Generation;2.4.3.Butterfield and Halls: The View from England;2.4.4.Kuhn and the Scientific Revolution;2.4.5.the scientific revolution as a process: Westfalls Conception of the Origins of Early Modern Science;2.5 Continuity and Break Weighted in the Balance. 3.The New Science in a Wider Setting:3.1. The New Science and Its New Method4;3.1.1. Pitfalls in the history of scientific method;3.1.2.From Demonstrative to Tentative Science;3.2.The New Science and Its New Time Frame;3.2.2.The Reorientation of Science toward an Unknown Future;3.2.3 When Did Science Become Cumulative? 3.2.4.From Natural Philosophy to Science;3.3.The New Science and the Old Magic;3.3.1. The Rosicruciari Conception of Early Modern Science;3.3.2.Rosicrucians Chemists and Alchemists in 17thcentury Science;3.3.3.The Elusive Core of the Debate;3.3.4.The Scientific Revolution and the Disenchantment of the World;3.3.5.The Debate over the Rationality of Early Modem Science;3.4.The New Science and the Creation of Artificially Produced Nature;3.4.1. The Nature of Early Modern Experiment;3.4.2.The Rise of the Scientific Instrument;3.4.3.science applied: Idea and Reality;3.4.4.The Subjection of Feminine Nature;3.5.The New Science in Its Social Setting;3.5.1. The New Values of Science;3.5.2.Societies and Universities;3.5.3.Patronage;3.6.The New Science in European History;3.6.1The scientific revolution and the crises of the 17th century;3.6.2.The Scientific Revolution and the Dissolution of Feudalism;3.6.3.The Place of the Scientific Revolution in the History of Western Civilization;3.7.Conclusion: From an ‘Aura of Self-evidence’ toward Messy Contingencies. Part two THE SEARCH FOR CAUSES OF THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION 4.The Emergence of Early Modern Science from Previous Western Though on Nature:4.1 Introduction to part II;4.2.Why Did the Scientific Revolution Not Take Place in Ancient Greece? 4.2.1. Some Principal Shortcomings of Greek Science;4.2.2.Help Needed in Crossing the Threshold;4.2.3.The Problem of Decline;4.3.Medieval Science and Scientific Revolution;4.4.The Emergence of Early Modern Science from Renaissance Thought;4.4.2.The Impact of Humanism;4.4.3.The Reform of Aristotelianism;4.4.4.Hermeticism and Neo-Platonism;4.4.5.The Revival of Scepticism;4.5 The Harvest of the Internal Route. 5.The Emergence of Early Modern Science from Events in the History of Western Europe:5.1.1. Hooykaas and the Biblical WorldView;5.1.2.The Merton Thesis;5.2.The Active Life of Early Modern Europe;5.2.1. Olschki and Koyre on the Scientists Response to Europes Budding Dynamism;5.2.2.The Hessen thesis: Early Modern Science and Capitalism;5.2.3.Merton on Science and Technology in the 17th Century;5.2.4.Zilsel and the Social Origins of Early Modern Science;5.2.5.Hall against External Explanations;5.2.6.The craft origins of early modern science: An Interim Assessment;5.2.7.revolution in time: Landes and Koyre;5.2.8.Hooykaas and the Voyages of Discovery;5.2.9 Elizabeth Eisenstein: Science Goes from Script to Print;5.3.Ben David and the Social Legitimation of the New Science;5.4.The Harvest of the External Route. 6.The Non-emergence of Early Modern Science outside Western Europe:6.1 First approaches to a proper definition of the problem;6.2.The Decay of Islamic Science;6.2.1 Some basic facts about Islamic science;6.2.2.Von Grunebaum and the Preservation of the Muslim Community under the Law;6.2.3.Sayili and the Failed Reconciliation between Science and Religion;6.2.4.Saunders and the Effects of Barbarian Destruction;6.2.5.Some Conclusions and Suggestions;6.3.Joseph Needham as a Pioneer in Cross Cultural History of Science;6.4.Contributions of NonWestern Science to the Scientific Revolution;6.5.Why the Scientific Revolution Eluded China;6.5.1 Chinese and western science: parallels and contrasts;6.5.2.Needhams Key Questions and How He Has Answered Them;6.5.3.Further Perspectives Offered by Needhams Critics;6.5.4.Some Conclusions and Suggestions;6.6.The Harvest of the Comparative Route. Part three SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS THE BANQUET OF TRUTH 7.The Scientific Revolution Fifty Years in the Life of a Concept:7.1. Introduction to Part Ⅲ;7.2.The Rise and Decline of the Concept of the Scientific Revolution;7.3.Ideas for Future Conceptions of the Scientific Revolution. 8.The Structure of the Scientific Revolution:8.1. An outline of the event;8.2.Sorting Out Possible Causes.