Preface Blue Eyes in“paradise”

Preface Blue Eyes in“paradise”

I have never lived in Heaven.

On a summer afternoon,I decided to quit a superior job and a comfortable life and go abroad alone.Someone made up a story that I would go marry an American guy,so all my friends believed it was an American congressman that made me so desperately determined.Well,frankly,I had met a senior U.S.Representative and we became good friends.This handsome gentleman was a sentimental lover and I was obsessed so much,as his love,social status and wealth were all so attractive.We did speak different languages with distinctive cultural backgrounds,but still,I tried to love and be loved.We exchanged love letters translated by my secretary,and affections were born from these letters.I started to yearn for a strange and distant country the United States of America.When I got to Honolulu,a sort of grand atmosphere and sound released my dream.Love,at that moment,was as thin as a wisp of nostalgia.I was a bit hesitated,but that could not prevent my crying in the heart:I was to get married!

But who had expected that I was to marry a wonderful land in the paradise?

The long road for Heaven was tough,as if time did not have wings and steps were not accompanied by shadows.With the feeling of a half journalist and a professional writer,I was wandering around in the paradise.I would love to speak with an academic tone,but when I expressed my feelings,I was actually a sentimental poet.

This paradise had never been hard and cold.I met a group of great Americans on the way to it.I got to know their feelings about life,trying to touch upon the roots of Americans,their society and culture,sensibility and sex,religion and family,wealth and love...All this was appealing to me and tempting me to go further,just like rocks and sea breeze touching the land gradually.I was an untrained singer hearing echoes of my singing in an open land.When I was stepping closer and facing the country,I was pretty sure that I was in love indeed.It may not be important that whether I was close to the real paradise,as I said in a poem:“When I exchanged time with Heaven,I belonged to the genuine paradise.”

I could never walk out of America's passion when I was surrounding by the romantic ocean.I saw the beauty of a substantial life.I was trying to look at the root of the society and culture of the United States,including its history,geography,survival principles and stories.When modern ways met old ones,this country played its own melody at a rhythm reflecting the true color of the United States.

The Americans would never be beaten in the crash,and nor would they be emptied in the ruins.True Americans cherished love and respected heroes,which could be told from two popular souvenirs in New York after the terrorist attacks:clothes printed with“GDNY”and basketball caps(Mr.Rudolph W Giuliani,the mayor of New York City liked wearing a basketball cap and worked at World Trade Center ground zero.This respected mayor was tortured by cancer,but still worked in the front line.)I had many interactions with the city and the people,among which were people had worked in the Trade Center.I got the first-hand materials on unknown stories of Chinese people in the attack.But I didn't talk about them.I just mentioned that an American read Byron Rufus Newton's poem(1906)loudly facing the ground zero on the coastal areas.I was deeply moved by the fact that people were so close to their hearts when special events came.

American culture and society were brilliant.The culture might not be fine enough,but it would never disappoint you.A city had its own culture,as a land had its own history.But that cannot be consistent with people's changing mind,though it also kept changing in a silent or an exaggerated way.What I would like to do was to grasp a few feathers of thoughts in the drizzling breeze of American culture.The city was a cultural space.When I was enjoying exquisite church concerts,the traditional and modern musicals echoed with a feeling of touching ambers.In a senior community I felt the beauty of interactions between human and nature against the backdrop of a sunset.At the moment,I tended to believe that these were all parts of culture.

The United States was actually very weak in some way.If terrorists targeted the undersea tunnel in the city of New York,this metropolitan city would be paralyzed overnight.Several anthrax letters could cause great panic in the whole country.The functional authority of the US government has been weakening since President Regan.The management of prisons and the security checks in airports has been delegated to private companies.But this was not my focus of interest,as after all,I was not sociologist but a stranger among the moving crowds.I couldn't reach very deeply in the soul of the country.But I found that the society and culture,from the perspective of a scholar,could awake humanity.

It touched the roots of desire.What happened in this country might not be definitely right or wrong.It just stood in front of the world with a disguise of philosophy,and let you feel it with your heart and wisdom.Sometimes it showed a sense of humor(like a comedy)and made you realize its natural essence.You would suddenly see the flora and fauna turning into a bird paradise.

Undoubtedly,it was a temptation heaven full of desire.New York City was the most qualified showcase.You would shrink into a particle of dust surrounded by Manhattan's skyscrapers.You might be mired in abject poverty in the treasure island.You would look back upon the Peal Harbor attack on the deck of the Carrier Wasp.You would likely become a media of desire backed with the hegemony of the world,which would just push you to the limit to exert yourself.

The United States,in some way,was a country where you could cherish your dreams more.Americans were stumbling through reality full of risks.It was the internal power of life that made people quit or yield.American men preferred letting you know their love and passion directly with all emotional details.American women were able to explore many opportunities and accomplish achievements under men's ambitions.The social life of the upper class showed ambition and desire in an elegant way,like notes intoned in a harp.It was unlikely that you could be uninfluenced or not shocked.You could not be exempt from desire and ambitions.As far as the whole country is concerned,the United States grew up to be a hegemony power after World War II.The country's development told everything.Mr.George Kennan,the laureate of Nobel Peace Prize,expressed his opinions to the Congress in 1948:“We have about 50%of the world's wealth,but only 6.3%of its population...we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment.Our to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity...we should cease to talk about...unreal objectives such as human rights,the raising of living standards,and democratization...”

Americans'desire was peaceful fire.It had the heritage of the Fire God Mauike in Polynesians'myth stories.This country was a fairy tale created by its people,which showed a power that was“through flowers”(Judy Chicago),a power of women and children in a men's world.

A woman looking at a nation's culture would most likely take a maternity perspective.I was searching for American women's roots,and suddenly found that women here were a kind of religion,a truth and brilliant power beyond time and nation.When I got closer to the upper class in this country,I was getting to know 106-year-old Mrs.Soong Mei-ling,widow of Chiang Kai-shek(late President of Kuo Min Tang),Mr.Kofi Annan's wife,Mrs.Anna Chen Chennault,Mrs.Lily Lee Chen,and Mrs.Yue-Sai Kan.They,of course,could not represent all American women,but their life stories were epitome of women life in the states.Though American women might not ask for so many detailed things as Chinese women did,they were working hard in taking care of their families as well.They believed that life,for women,was beyond political,art and all tangible forms.Life had the very ideal substance.I passionately mentioned a love story between a 50-year-old woman professor and her 20-year-old boyfriend.I met a great mother.She had lost two sons in wars and gone through various hardships,but still,she managed to lead a brilliant life.There were many women movements in the U.S.,but among various principles and theories of women rights protection campaigns and women-study groups,there were two main genres:the theory of essence and the theory of culture.Despite“cultural sedimentation”or“male's traps”,American women's status could always reveal their capability and accomplishments.American culture genteelly created a level playing field for women so that they would have opportunities to shape their own styles and cultures.They were able to away from the binding of an external form of family and rest in a free world of home.

There were still the roots of the sense of family in the U.S.,but I could not give a full explanation of the connotations of American“family”.Family was the origin of Chinese people's life,the start and end of life journey.Whenever we Chinese stopped,walked away,left hometown,or rest under a roof,family was always in our heart.In the United States,the biggest unstableness was the absolute freedom that could not be bound by blood relationships and family love.I was staying in different American families to feel the American characteristics of“family”,and I compared that with Chinese concept of“family”in a sentimental way.

People were relying on family as plants on land.Americans seldom said that they would like to spend the retired life in their hometown.So“leaves fallen to the land”had unique philosophical meaning here.From the very start to the end,then it was the other way round.“Family”served as a means as well as a goal,which was pretty much like the Zen's thought:virtually unified.

Mr.Bill Gates,the richest man in the world,has$8.3 billion worth of property.He has based the headquarters of Microsoft in Seattle,the CEO's hometown.His attachment to Seattle is greater than that to the Internet.He said that Seattle is his hometown and he couldn't be separated from it,as this place has raised him with the water in Washington Lake.And the rich man's home is just besides the lake.

Many American senior people would rather move out of their houses and live in senior care centers.They might pass away in a strange apartment peacefully.I once stood in front of the tomb of General Zhang Xueliang and his wife.It was such a simple tomb that could even make me sad.I could never imagine that General Zhang Xueliang was rest in peace here for good.No any sense of power.No noise.No nothing.The General had left the world in a truly simple way.Then I suffered from insomnia for quite a long time until I decided to do something about it.I went to pay a call to General Zhang's son in San Francisco,and thought about establishing a General Zhang Xueliang's Fund to buy his old house.When I was busy working on it,I suddenly found out that General Zhang had not got an old house in Hawaii,and he had been living in a senior care center till the end of his life.People reminded me that he had been very much like an American.This catholic was probably tracing for a simple and elegant life.Wasn't it a noble and reserved sensibility?Maybe it was true that Chinese people were used to keep things inside,and would not express the deep feelings to other people easily.This had a root in Chinese long history and culture.In the U.S.,making things known was a way to offering kindness to people surrounding you.The word“family”in the context of American culture would be a mixture of internal and external sensibility.Just like a sincere person did not need to talk about integrity all the time,an outspoken nation had its own custom of being frank.American“family”was a combination of sense and sensibility.

I was crazily looking at and touching this country with an internal motivation,as if I were to marry in a Heaven and devote my life to it.I was uttering crazy talks in the grope for American roots,and got intoxicated by different views and scenarios on the road to the paradise.So finally,I wrote down my feelings and understanding of all this with a woman's sincere words of poem.

I loved this country when I was getting closer and closer to it,and then tried to forget it in tears.Though under the wings of desire,I had forgot my status as a passenger and lived through dreams that could not have been imagined before.

When I stepped on the stairs of the plane back to Hong Kong,I reached out hands to that Congressman still in love.I felt so grateful and told myself in the heart:

You are my pearl and my dirt,

I have been misled into a great feast on my way to a mirage,

The tenacity of the paradise has been broken,

I have gone through the bright of flowers,

Farewell!Though it is the least appropriate time

Xiaoye Xiuzi

September 7th,2005