

3d printing, although still in its infant stage, has shown its potential capability to disrupt traditional manufacturing that is geographically distributed based on the rule of comparative advantage and organizationally coordinated utilizing the principles of economy of scale and Ford-style assembly-line. How to adopt to the challenge of this new technology is an important issue particularly for emerging economies like China that are still in the phase of technological catch-up.New thinkings need to be developed for fexible organization, fne-grained customization and design thinking with emphasis on software platform and creativity……This book is a must read for Chinese entrepreneurs, scholars and policy makers who are looking into the opportunities and challenges in the next 20 years.


Yanbo Wang Assistant Professor Boston University School of Management


3D Printing is considered as one of the most significant manufacturing technologies of the 21st century. With its dual capacity of integrated information and distributed manufacturing, it has the potential to radically shift the paradigm of future global manufacturing competition.While enterprise and entrepreneurs around the world experiment with new business models, this interdisciplinary research by Chinese experts and policy makers from divers background should provide business leaders and scholars with valuable and critical insights.With hearty congratulations and deep respects.


Jay Kim, Ph. D.Associate Professor of Operations and Technology Management Boston

University School of Management


3D printing has the strong potential to be an incredibly important new technology. It will enable the democratization of manufacturing, allowing users to imagine, create, trade and print new objects and devices in their own homes.Emerging economies could see disruptive effects from the impact of this new technology on traditional manufacturing businesses.This book will be a must read for those around the world interested in a comprehensive introduction to the potential economic consequences of 3D printing technology.



Chuck Eesley

Assistant Professor, Morgenthaler Faculty Fellow

Management Science&Engineering Dept.

Stanford Technology Ventures Program Stanford University




3D printing technology holds the promise of changing what is produced and and how, as well as at what cost. A range of industries including aerospace and consumer products increasing avail themselves of such technology, with others assessing its applicability.

As 3D printing technology diffuses within and across industries, historical modes of production are likely to change as well. This will have signifcant ramifcations for manufacturing production(including labor markets)and consumption.Such change——often referred to as"disruption"——entails challenges and opportunities, with related distributional consequences.Traditional manufacturing(and workers)may face signifcant pressure to retool and acquire facility with new technologies or be rendered obsolete.Would-be entrepreneurs, in turn, may beneft by the ease,(eventual)speed, and reduced cost of prototyping products.This may also be a boon for consumers as well as innovation in manufactured products is increased.

As 3D printing technology becomes quicker and cheaper we can expect diffusion and increasing adoption. Understanding the nature, extent, and distribution consequences of opportunities and challenges is thus of paramount importance.


Jason Greenberg NYU Stern Assistant Professor of Management


3D printing is rapidly paving its way as an enabling designing and manufacturing platform for a variety of industrial verticals and, yet will set new international guidelines in how teams and organizations will work together in this ever dynamic ecosystem in the future. This monograph provides a comprehensive global perspective of 3D printing as it pertains to strategies of industrial impact from standardization to integration, governing regulatory bodies to implementation of new or modifcation of existing guidelines and policies to its effect on China at the local and national levels.





Winston Patrick Kuo, DDS, **, DMSc

Assistant Professor, Department of Developmental Biology,

Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Director, Harvard Catalyst Laboratory for Innovative Translational Technologies,

Harvard Medical School,

Chief Operating Offcer, IES Diagnostics